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First electric shave in 10 years

I've used a Merkur Slant, Vulfix 374 and Taylors for 6 years now. This year we had our first child, and well, time and sleep are not as plentiful as they once were. I never thought I'd go back to an electric, but quickie shaves while half awake in the morning rush aren't my favorite thing.

I've always respected Panasonic as an electronics brand, so I looked into one of their shavers... and picked up an ES8243A for under $90 off Amazon.

The most interesting thing about the shave this morning, was that 6 years of DE shaving have taught me how to shave properly, no matter the razor. My first electric was a Remington Microscreen, and I remember working that up and down my face like a vacuum cleaner. This morning however, I was using the shaver to shave the parts of my face how I'd shave with a DE, going against the grain, keeping a light pressure, etc. The results were a closer shave in 3 min than I've had in years.

Not posting this to argue the merits of either, just that I was pleasantly surprised how good the razor was, and just how quick and easily I could go from out of the shower to bbs without lathering up.
Wow! :eek2: I was expecting another 'lectric horror story. Glad to hear it works. If you find time to visit the boards, continue to post your experiences. Yours is a minority voice I haven't seen much around these parts... :thumbup1:
If I'm honest, I have to admit that my experience has been similar. I can get a quick irritation-free BBS shave from my battery-operated Braun Travel Razor. I start with some Williams 'Lectric shave and finish up with Nivea Balm. But....it's no fun at all!
I wish I could say the same about my Norelcos. They are the best electrics I've found in 50+ years of shaving, but they still irritate my neck, even when I use them exclusively for a couple of weeks.

I used to go back and forth between cartridges and electric, using the electric when I was in a hurry. Since I went to DE, I would rather just skip a day than use the Electric. (I did try it with a new cutter head a month or so ago and did not change my mind.)
If I'm honest, I have to admit that my experience has been similar. I can get a quick irritation-free BBS shave from my battery-operated Braun Travel Razor. I start with some Williams 'Lectric shave and finish up with Nivea Balm. But....it's no fun at all!
Yes! I keep my Braun PocketGo in my car as my emergency razor. If things go too hectic in the morning (which happens with two small kids) I have to pass my enjoyable wetshaving ritual and shave on the go. I agree that applying similar (low pressure, several passes) technique works great for electric. I keep a small bottle of Skin Food in the car as well and I get a very decent irritation-free shave with this setup. Not very enjoayble though...
Same experience here. I used a Panasonic for about a year before switching to a DE and I'm still amazed at how good the Panasonic was, wet shaving. As a dry shaver, it's as crappy as any other electric, but with shaving cream and halfway decent prep, it's a wonder, DFS in 3 minutes. It's boring, of course, but for those times when you can't spare 20 minutes to shave, it does an amazing job.
Gents, please tell me you are NOT shaving and driving!!

I also share the same experiences with Norelco's, and they gave me the closest shave of the electrics. Still nothing compared to what I get now....
One good shave does not a trend make! Let us know how you feel after a week or so - I always found electrics would build up irritation over a few days. By Friday, I'd NEED to take the weekends off shaving just to let my skin catch up
Any decent electric will give a perfectly serviceable shave. I have a Panasonic travel razor, and used a different Panasonic for years, with no real problems. Using it wet gives irritation free results. Shaving is one of those things where the tools really don't matter as much as the skill using them.

But for the BBS, though, there's no getting around the need for a blade.
One good shave does not a trend make! Let us know how you feel after a week or so - I always found electrics would build up irritation over a few days. By Friday, I'd NEED to take the weekends off shaving just to let my skin catch up

Well I got the same mileage out my Norelco. By Friday, my neck would be crying uncle.
Yeah...but then they get dull and the blade replacement cost almost as much as the razor in some cases.

Been there....done that....returned to the fold....the prodigal shaver....as it were.

You'll be back....probably though in years, once your pace slows down.

I've just come from 25 years of electric shaving...Remington, Braun...can't recall the other ones...but if there is an electric brand I probably had it at one time.

I got into electrics because of speed....I needed to quicken the pace, then kids came...less time...faster pace...a familiar story.

Now I'm retired and kids are grown....I've gone back to wet shaving....I'm very happy with my morning ritual, my Muhle R 89, my Proraso shaving soap...green puck.....and my Omega Boar Brush.

Think my blade of choice will be the Japanese...Feather.

Takes longer, but what a shave, what a pleasure.
there is something about the norelco rotary system that is very harsh on my face and neck. it pulls and is generally uncomfortable for me.

i have had much better results with a foil headed shaver like a braun.


there is something about the norelco rotary system that is very harsh on my face and neck. it pulls and is generally uncomfortable for me.

stopped using the norelco because of that.if you missed a day or two shaving felt as if it ripped hairs intstead of cut them
This is interesting. I tried a norelco years ago and had the identical experience. Face was fine, neck was a disaster-red, sore, ingrown hairs-and it got worse the more I used it. The comments on technique are so true-I just got back from a trip back East and thanks to TSA had my cartridge with me- but with the prep and technique used for my DE, Gems and Schicks the shave was very good and comfortable. While it felt smooth I did notice I really needed to shave the next morning while with a real razor it is much less needed.
I've been curious about wet electric shaving for awhile, and I'd like to hear more since it has been mentioned here. When you say wet electric shaving, are you simply using it in the shower? Or are you using it with lather/foam? Does it get clogged easily using it wet?
I came to traditional wetshaving from nearly 30 vears of electric shaving. I completely left out the cartridge bit. Some months ago I was in an hurry and gave the old Braun a try: never again! My face felt and looked horrible all day, and the shave was lousy.
I came to wetshaving not for the experience or the hobby, but for a better shave, and this one electric shave reminded me - with a vengeance!
Any decent electric will give a perfectly serviceable shave. I have a Panasonic travel razor, and used a different Panasonic for years, with no real problems. Using it wet gives irritation free results. Shaving is one of those things where the tools really don't matter as much as the skill using them.

But for the BBS, though, there's no getting around the need for a blade.

Never had a BBS shave from an electric. Ever. Serviceable? Maybe. I kept a rechargeable microscreen razor in the car for when I worked out early in the morning before work and needed a quick shave afterward. Irritation galore. Glad some of you find it works for you as the convenience factor is high with an electric.
Up until 4 years ago, I had been using a phillips rotary razor and got okish shaves:001_rolle, then invested in a panasonic wet/dry electric shaver with self cleaning unit.

The shaves were not bbs but were pretty good, particularly when used with clear shave gel (something like king of shaves)


I have finally found the ultimate way to shave using the following:001_cool::

Mergress xl or merkur 45 bakelite razor:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Omega 49 boar brush:biggrin1::em2200:
Wilkinson sword, derby or feather blades:lol::lol::lol:
MWF or Muhle soap face lathered:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
proraso, kmf, real shaving co or Trumpers lime shave creams:w00t::w00t:
Trumpers lime skin food or Proraso pre post:biggrin1::biggrin1:
TOBS no 74 victorian limes cologne:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

The panasonic may occasionally come out if I'm in a hurry or having a lazy day. I understand where your coming from as in my humble opinion it is probably the best electric razor you can get but it will never replace traditional wet shaving and someone would have to pry my mergress out of my dead hands:001_cool:
I used electrics almost exclusively from the age of 14 until 24/25 when the Mach3 power came out and seemed to be reasonably forgiving of my shambolic wetshaving technique as it was then. Owned three electrics in all, the third one being an expensive Philishave rotary model which I got for a present. Its expense was the reason I have kept it. Had the same issues others have mentioned - sore, red face, hairs getting ripped out instead of cut. I have used the electric twice since taking up the DE when I wasn't experienced enough to get a quick shave and needed to mow down some of my stubble before rushing to work. My electric shaves always took at least 15-20 minutes to get at all smooth so using the DE wasn't a time issue for me.

There was an advert on TV here the other day which was promoting an electric which could yield a good clean shave first thing on Monday morning after a weekend of not shaving. Just thinking about that made me wince. For some guys with light growth an electric may work well, however I am not one of those guys and I will be sticking with wetshaving even if I'm reduced to using supermarket own brand disposables and canned foam.
Ive never gotten a good shave from an electric. Since the age of 14 I've never had a good electric experience. Then even mach 3 and other cartridges bothered me...

Theni had a beard for a while, so i only trimmed with the clippers and never had to really shave.

When i decided to shave it off, the beard, i started looking into other options. Glad to hear it worked out for you...i gave my electric away.ea
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