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First Chuck Norris, next William Shatner?

Should we knight William Shatner?

  • He's in! Knight the man!

  • I'm not a believer. He doesn't get in.

  • B&B can only have one patron saint. Norris is it.

  • How dare you mention Norris and Shatner in the same breath?

  • Who's William Shatner?

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Ain't no way!
Kirk was forever whipping out an electric shaver to beam around with. :eek: (Call it a teleportation device, zapper, or what you will--I'm convinced it was a portable electric shaver.)

Chuck can kick anyone's ***, and he doesn't need a portable Remington to do it!
Let's strip away the Norse God image that people have of Norris and go with the facts.

Regarding Norris, the facts are that he was a good fighter (and possibly still is) and was an actor on a show a lot of people watched.

Regarding Shatner, his fights in Star Trek always looked kinda fake but he was an actor on a show a lot more people watched.

In light of that juxtaposition, I still have no good answer. :tongue:
Shatner still gets good acting roles (yeah, I know, there was that 20yr. dry spell and loads of crap). What was the last thing we've seen Norris in? Endorsing a presidential candidate doesn't count BTW.
I fully support knighting William Shatner, but after watching that clip, I might switch and support the knighting of the Gorn Captain.
If William Shatner swears fealty to Chuck Norris as B&B's patron saint, can that get him in? A knight defending a saint, that should keep everyone happy.
We need a few more knights to protect the Saint.

How about a head shaver to mix things up:

Mini me? (He's got spunk and the ladies dig him)?
Apolypse Now era Brando?
Yul Brynner?
Let's strip away the Norse God image that people have of Norris and go with the facts.


What do you mean by this? Over the last 2 weeks HUNDREDS of KNOWN FACTS have been published about (and probably by) Chuck Norris on this website. Please don't rain on my (or Chuck's) parade with something as arcane and ineffable as simple reality!:lol::lol:
We need a few more knights to protect the Saint.

How about a head shaver to mix things up:

Mini me? (He's got spunk and the ladies dig him)?
Apolypse Now era Brando?
Yul Brynner?

I'm all for Telly and Yul Brynner, but I think Mini Me may not cut it. Unless he needs to defend B&B against Oompa-Loompas.

Brando from Apolypse Now, too fat for an action man. But he did have a BBS head. :lol:
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