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First breakthrough ! Shark blades !!!

I was starting to get skeptical about DE shaving since I wasn't getting as close a shave as I did with Proglide carts. I didn't wanna pickup the Proglide because I knew if I did I might quit on DE shaving, and I just wasn't ready to quit yet. I've been trying a blade sampler pack, and today I loaded up with a Shark blade. It was glorious. It was insanely smooth, I couldn't irritate myself if I tried. This allowed to do as much blade buffing as I wanted, which I did during the entire 3 pass shave. This way I was able to get every single whisker, no missed spots, and it got very very close. I had been trying Feathers, and they are so aggressive that I could have never done this with them. Feathers' aggressiveness made me do a light and quick shave, hence not as close of a shave and still with irritation. Maybe the conclusion here is that sharper isn't always better.

My shave with the Sharks has got to be at least at DFS level. Very Happy :thumbup:
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That's sweet..... the goal of working through the sampler pack! The good thing too is that a 100 pack at west coast shaving is like $16 so you can stock up on what works best for you. Congrats!
Shark SS blades work great for me, as do Wilkinson Sword. I also quite like Feather blades but those two cheap blades work just as well for me, which I find amusing. Maybe I haven't found my magic blade yet, but I've already learned not to judge a blade based on price or sharpness. My first true BBS (and best shave of my life) was with a Shark SS.

I would actually go further and say that I prefer those two blades to Feather. Much more room for error without nicks or irritation. FWIW, I'm using a shavette and have no idea how these blades perform in a DE.
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Shark Super Chromes are my go to blade. I had tried pretty much everything and was ready to settle on Astra's, but then I loaded up the Shark SC and couldn't believe what a great shave they gave me....and they're CHEAP!
Shark Super Chromes are my go to blade. I had tried pretty much everything and was ready to settle on Astra's, but then I loaded up the Shark SC and couldn't believe what a great shave they gave me....and they're CHEAP!

Have you tried Shark Super Stainless? That's my go-to blade right now but I've only tried a few, and I haven't tried Shark Super Chrome. Just wondering how the SS compares to SC.
Way to go! Finding a blade that "works" for you is highly underrated! If you feel like you want something sharper but still forgiving, I recommend Astra.
Excellent observation. Feathers are not for everyone. Find what works for you and don't be taken in by all the hype about certain items. Enjoy.
For the record, the kind of Shark that I used was Super Stainless.

Then try the Super Chrome, I've tried both and while I got a BBS shave with the SS I also got a little more irritation on those.
The SC gave me the same BBS shave but a lot smoother.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Shark Super Chromes are my go to blade. I had tried pretty much everything and was ready to settle on Astra's, but then I loaded up the Shark SC and couldn't believe what a great shave they gave me....and they're CHEAP!
...My take on 'Shaving with the Sharks'??

Although I have used many, many blades over many, many years, Shark Super Chrome's are perfect for me (my one & only 'holy-grail go-to' blade), with no pulling or tugging, moderately sharp, very, very smooth, (albeit a 'weeper' now & then..but zero 'nicks'), very little to no irratation and no touch of razor burn that %99.9 of the time results in CCS's in 3 passes (WTG, CTG & ATG), with 2 great shaves per week (Saturdays are my shaving 'day off'),...and are very compatible with both of my Merkur 23C & 38C razors. :lol1:

"A razor [blade] can't be sharpened on a piece of velvet." Author Unknown

I'm not a fan of the Shark SS but the SC are on my list to try.

I'm almost certain you won't like one if the other leaves you cold. They are very closely related in how they shave, IMHO. Strange things happen, so you may find the SC to your liking.

I use Shark SS almost exclusively, but only because they could be had for a better price than the SC when I ordered my last 300. Either one works very well for me, and when I run out of these, I'll just order whatever Shark can be had for less coin.

Blades are probably second only to fragrance when vying for the YMMV crown. I've tried blades that others rave about and had no luck, and used others that are roundly reviled to good effect.

I think Sharks have as much chance as almost any other blade to "click" with an individual shaver, and if they do it's a happy day because they are inexpensive. If not, move on to the next blade in the sampler pack, and when you find one that you like, don't worry about the negative reviews you might read about it. It is, after all, your blade and your beard.
How do sharks compare to Astra SP?

Well, in my very short experience with them (I've tried one blade of each), with the sharks you can use a very aggressive buffing technique and you will not get any weepers/nicks/cuts at all, unless you're super careless. While the Astras are not the most aggressive blades around, I found they gave me weepers even when I was paying quite a bit of attention. Seeing this, I did not go forward with my aggressive buffing technique with the Astras.
I'm almost certain you won't like one if the other leaves you cold. They are very closely related in how they shave, IMHO. Strange things happen, so you may find the SC to your liking.

I use Shark SS almost exclusively, but only because they could be had for a better price than the SC when I ordered my last 300. Either one works very well for me, and when I run out of these, I'll just order whatever Shark can be had for less coin.

Blades are probably second only to fragrance when vying for the YMMV crown. I've tried blades that others rave about and had no luck, and used others that are roundly reviled to good effect.

I think Sharks have as much chance as almost any other blade to "click" with an individual shaver, and if they do it's a happy day because they are inexpensive. If not, move on to the next blade in the sampler pack, and when you find one that you like, don't worry about the negative reviews you might read about it. It is, after all, your blade and your beard.

I had heard really good things about Sharks so I gave the SS a shot. I found them to be too rough on my face but overall not a bad blade. For me the SS's just didn't compare to the Super Max Super Plats, but as you know faces are very YMMV.

I've read some threads that said the SC was a smoother shave than the SS, so I think will probably give the Shark SC a shot just to say I tried it and who knows it may work for me.
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