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First and (probale) last shower shave

So last night as I was taking a shower, I decided that it would be fun to lather and shave in the shower, sans mirror. I stepped out, gathered my already soaking brush, the razor and my Old Spice mug with Mike's Hungarian Lavender in it. I started to whip up a nice lather and applied it to my face as always. I started to shave as I normally would. I completed two, what seemed like, comfortable passes. For the third, I lathered up again and felt around for stray whiskers with my hand. As I found them, I would mow them down. A few stray mow downs in, I felt some burning on my neck. I didn't think too much of it. However, when I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, I realized what I had done. It was worse than my first shave with a DE. I had nicks all over my neck that didn't stop bleeding for what seemed like an eternity . Witch Hazel made it stop a bit, but I ended up just waiting it out.

I think I should have placed the mirror I use every day in my normal routine a bit higher on the importance scale. My hats off to anyone that can successfully shave in the shower without a mirror!

Of course, if anyone has tips for shower shaving other than get a anti-fog mirror for the shower, I might be inclined to try again.
For my part, I find that water that is too hot makes my skin more prone to irritation / rasor burn / cuts.

Maybe try using lukewarm water - but not too hot.

Other than than, not using a mirror to see the razor and blade angles is quite an adventurous bet. I'd not be able to "blind shave" because if I did, it'd be a bloody mess despite the fact I've been wet shaving for a while and mapped my beard.
Shaving without a mirror...in the shower. Next time, do it without lather and using a straight, ya sissy!

But in all seriousness I think I'd kill myself without a mirror.
I used to do it as standard with carts. I don't remember if I've done it with my DE, but I wouldn't with my straights.
I've never been able to shave in the shower. I can understand the appeal of it, but it just hasn't worked out for me the times I've tried it.
I am predominantly a shower shaver as well (9 out of 10 times). I need a mirror as well or I will destroy my face - Without one, I tend to shave over spots without lather...
Been shaving in the shower for about 35 years, with a mirror. Hate having to bend over a sink in a hotel from time to time.

We all get used to our own ways...
There are a few folks around here who say they always shave without a mirror. I have never understood the reason for this. I get that it is possible, just not why it would be desirable.
So it seems the mirror is a must, haha. I might buy a 10 dollar fogless mirror from Amazon and give it another shot. It just really didn't go well the first time. The appeal of not getting water on the counter and being able to rinse with cool water right after shaving is quite appealing still. If it still doesn't work for me, it's only a 10 dollar loss :biggrin1:
try it with cooler water. Not only does it feel nice on a warm day, but a cold water shave sure will wake you up! (also your skin will appreciate the cooling sensation since hot water makes skin more prone).
I have been shaving in the shower for years (with a mirror) and really liked it. Once I switched to DE I stopped, well I stopped shaving my face in the shower at least - still shave the dome in there with my sensor. I can shave my head without a mirror if needed - most of it is by feel anyway.
I used to shave in the shower with my fusion before I discover wet shaving. I liked saving time and keeping the moisture up without using canned goo. Not sure if I could overcome those memories for long enough to try a shower shave now.
No mirror? You sir are a braver man than I. Make sure you're still prepping your beard in the shower. I know the steam is effective, but don't skip any steps. Heck, use conditioner on your whiskers if need be.
No mirror? You sir are a braver man than I. Make sure you're still prepping your beard in the shower. I know the steam is effective, but don't skip any steps. Heck, use conditioner on your whiskers if need be.

Unless it's a strengthening conditioner!! :laugh:



Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
I tried shower shaving without a mirror once, with a Bic. I didn't finish. I didn't cut myself, but I couldn't do it by feel. Other than which side of the face I was on, I had no clue where I was. With a mirror I'd be willing to give it another go, but it's just not that important to me to actually get one.
I shave in the shower quite often...but with a cartridge razor. At first, I tried several mirrors, but never did find one I liked. I found that I could shave easily by touch without a mirror, so I don't use one at all now, when I shave in the shower. The only area I need to touch up when I get out of the shower is my sideburns...I shave up close to them, and then finish that little bit when I step out. I don't leave my razor in the shower.
The cheap anti fog mirrors are not the best, but useable. I apply a small amount of conditioner or soap, whatever is left on my hand after washing, and apply to the mirror. Keeps the fog off. Someday I'll upgrade to more than a dollar store mirror, but it works for now.
The cheap anti fog mirrors are not the best, but useable. I apply a small amount of conditioner or soap, whatever is left on my hand after washing, and apply to the mirror. Keeps the fog off. Someday I'll upgrade to more than a dollar store mirror, but it works for now.

I had two issues with the mirrors I tried...one was the fogging, for which I found several remedies, but the other was size. I never could find one that was the right size to give me the view I liked. In the process, I found that I was looking in the mirror(s) less and less, and shaving more by feel...until I finally just got rid of the mirror(s) altogether.
The shower mirrors that run hot water behind the mirror work really well, but they are ugly. I have one that has a small basin behind the mirror that accomplishes the same thing and looks much better. Just fill it with hot water and no steam. I think the brand is ToiletTree. Now if only I shave in the shower anymore....
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