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Finished - Contest #12345: Nice Guys Finish First

Operation Smile:smile:
:a50: Contest # 12345 :a50:

Nice Guys Finish First!!!!


sponsored by our friends at
Shaving Essentials

Alright B&B Carnivaddicts -- here comes yet another fantastic Carnival of Smiles event! :w00t: I don't know about you, but one of the things that I love most about B&B is the hundreds of simple acts of kindness we see happen right before our eyes here every single day. :smile: In the spirit of those many kindnesses and the sense of community they create, this contest seeks to reward acts of kindness.

To be eligible to win one of three great prizes from Shaving Essentials, all you need to do is commit an act of kindness that you wouldn't ordinarily have done were it not for this contest. It could be big or small -- doesn't matter at all. Simply be kind, post in this thread, and you're in our random.org drawing for one of three prizes. You can tell what you did if you'd like, but it's not required. This contest will end on Friday. One entry per person (but multiple good deeds are fine!). Prior carnival winners are asked to stand back and let folks who haven't won compete in this one. Due to shipping restrictions, this one's for members with CONUS addresses only.

And now, the prizes! :a5:

The Province Sante Pack -- Shave Soap and Green Tea Aftershave!

The ToBS Sandalwood Pack -- Sandalwood Shave Cream Tub and Aftershave!

The Barbon Pack -- Hungarian Barbon Shave Cream and Aftershave!

Operation Smile:smile:

*A donation to Operation Smile is not required to win.

**Badger & Blade.com is not affiliated with Operation Smile nor does B&B derive any benefit from donations made in the name of Badger & Blade.com.

*** Prizes may be subject to change.

**** The final decision on the outcome of all contests rest within the sole discretion of the Moderators and all decisions are final. Any belly-aching will result in an automatic disqualification and removal from any further participation in any other contests for the duration of the Carnival.

*****B&B is not responsible for any prizes that are undelivered to recipient from vendors and/or companies.
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Normally I'm pretty swamped at work (petrochemical laboratory), but today has been a pretty slow day and a few of my coworkers on the other side are absolutely slammed with work. In the spirit of this contest I told them that I would take on some of the testing that they have to do so that they can focus on less things at a time.

P.S. I love sandalwood and really love tea tree oil!:w00t:
On my travels today through Atlanta, I purposely got a seat in the terminal next to a bank of pay phones.

To every uniformed service person that came up to use a pay phone, I offered them the use of my cell phone. It was amazing to see such a small act light up the faces of those protecting our country.

Do something nice for those you encounter in uniform. No matter your world view, they're putting their lives on the line so we can live ours free.
I offered to work later than usual Friday and cover for a buddy of mine so he doesn't miss out on his daughter's big High School event.

Would have done this whether this carnival event was on or not..it was just the right thing to do. But hey, came home and saw this post...double whammy!
I'm chosing to not post what I did, but I will say it will make my neighbor pleasantly surprised.
I went for a walk in the rain today to get my wife some medicine for her cold and made her lunch and nice warm cup of tea. When she woke up everything was ready for her. :)
I washed a random guy's car. I'm lucky he didn't come out of his apartment and call the cops on me :p
I teach a class of eight mentally retarded children at my school. These children learn recorder, like every other upper elementary child. However, some of the children have disabilities which affect their fine motor skills and muscle tone. Three in particular have a very difficult time covering the holes on the recorder, which is a prerequisite for playing proper notes.

I did not wait for the PTA to act, and I bypassed the principal at my own risk, and bought the three kids special recorders for the physically disabled. Each hole is adjustable to where the children playing it can comfortable cover all holes. A typical school recorder costs $4.00, but this recorder is $17.00. I tell people what I did and they ask why I did it instead of just going through the usual conduit. I tell them "This is my job."

It's hard to enter the contest in a way, because it's for going above and beyond, and I think I did what any teacher worth his salt would do, but there it is.
Count me in. I have never done this before so I think I'll volunteer at the food shelter this Thanksgiving. Hope it counts even though TG isn't for some time, but this thread made me think of it so there you go. BTW I think it is great to have found the B&B and that they are such a giving and kind group of folks! Here's to another 20,000 members!


Use the Fat, Luke!
I would like to be included. My act of kindness is that I try to give blood as often as possible. I have a somewhat rare blood type, and think of it as my civic duty.

Thanks B&B!
Good day to enter this. This morning I helped to jump start my neighbor's car - even pushed it out of the garage since there was too much clutter to pull my car in the other door. Later on, same family gets into an accident. They got rear ended in a 5 car pile up (someone driving while texting - nice). Anyway, they needed help getting back home since the car was pretty much a wreck. But at least the crumple zones worked as advertised. So, for today I was pretty good at helping out my neighbor!
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