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Fine lines


gone down south

The only way to remove existing lines is to have a time machine.
Preventing (or more accurately, minimizing) future lines is a question of moisturizing and limiting sun exposure.
These lines can be masked by moisturizers and other chemicals. The only way to truly get rid of them is to have a face lift. There is a reason these are called character lines. Why sweat it?
I'm in my early 30's, and they're definitely creeping up on me too. I think it's just part and parcel with the aging process, and is to a large extent unavoidable. I don't get a lot of sun and I generally moisturize, but I still get them. I think Botox just paralyzes or kills (I don't know which) the muscles, causing them to relax and release lines that way. I think. If there are products out there that help with this, I don't know of them, not that I have tried a lot. A face lift is an expensive and radical solution, but probably will take care of them for now far better than any product, but you'll probably need one again in the future. If you want a definitive professional answer, maybe consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor or even a dermatologist. If anyone would really know, it would be them.
Botox paralyses (does not kill) the muscles involved in visible wrinkles. The effects will wear off over time requiring additional injections. A side effect tho, is that depending where you are injected, facial expressions also can be "removed." Ever notice how the skin around the eyes and foreheads of some stars never moves even when their smiling? Botox in action.

Also, there have been some recent concerns, and preliminary, tho not entirely conclusive reports, indicating that the botulinum toxin responsible for the intended effect can spread from the injection site along the nerves, possible to the brain and possibly causing future problems, at least in some cases.

As in all things, talk to a qualified doctor (plastic surgeon or qualified dermatologist) before you do anything. But, IMHO, the dermal fillers (such as restylane) are much better from a safety vs. benefit perspective. And even then, I'd go with the over-the-counter "beauty" solutions for as long as possible.
To the OP, you can't really get rid of them, especially on the forehead. There are prescription products that are topical that can help with fine lines and wrinkles and in some cases are cheaper than "over the counter" products (when looking at cost vs how long they last vs actual benefit). The general class are referred to as retinoids. In a nutshell, they speed up the turnover of your skin. So they help improve the overall texture and appearance of your skin. Check with a reputable dermatologist and they can give you a much more detailed explanation of all of this. Topical, IMO, is much less risky than injections. Hope this helps and as alwaysYMMV
For the future - stay out of the sun.
Just look at people that live in Palm Springs.
Not a 100% - but if it's worth it to you it is one of the things that will help.
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