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Finding your blade?

I hear a lot of people talk about how they've found "their blade". Thier favorite blade that works best for them that they will use for now and to eternity. My question is, when you find your blade, is that the same blade you use in each of your razors? Or if you use multiple razors, do you find that different blades wok best in each razor?

So is it one blade that is best for your face? or is it one blade that works best in each razor?
I can't speak for any one else, but I have a favorite blade for each of my razors. For a more aggresive razor you might find you like a milder blade and visa versa for a milder razor.
I'm still experimenting, and in my experience so far, some blades give me much different shaves in different razors. However, there are blades that are great no matter which razor I use - Red IPs, Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellows, and Gillette Bleue Extras are among those that give me fine shaves in all my razors. Feathers, Crystals, and Astra SPs are razor-dependent.
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DON'T go searching for the right razor and the right blade until you have your technique down solid with one razor and one blade. Otherwise you won't be able to distinguish between differences in the hardware and variation in your technique.

p.s. thank you for serving!
DON'T go searching for the right razor and the right blade until you have your technique down solid with one razor and one blade. Otherwise you won't be able to distinguish between differences in the hardware and variation in your technique.

Aye. +1 to this.
-- Chet
Completely agreed on having your technique down. Once you do that, you can get a good shave from pretty much anything. Not the perfect shave, but you'll be able to make do with anything you come across. That - to me - is the coolest part of this hobby. You can get a $5 razor at a junk store and then enjoy it.

About the ideal blade... you'll know when you find it. However, keep in mind that your tastes will develop and change as you gain experience. I hated Feathers the first few times I used them and was pretty well set on the Bics and Red IPs. But later on, I went back to Feathers and they just seem "right" now.

So keep shaving, keep trying new blades, go back to the old blades, and you'll eventually find your fit. Don't despair - the journey is fun and even without your ideal blade, you'll still get great shaves. But when you find the "one," you'll know it.
Thought I would share my current situation with regard to the question posed, as I find it to be a little unexpected:

My current favorite blade is the Indian green Gillette 7 O'Clock in all my razors (red tip, tech, Muehle R89, fatboy, slim adjustable) EXCEPT my NDC Super Speed. Go figure.
As month old shaver, sampler packs are essential when starting out. I quickly find blades that I did not care for. Now I will sample a Feather Blade. I will buy more samplers to keep trying different blades. I agree as you learn your blade choices will change. I think a great experience to sample blades. Then remember which worked the best on your face and with which razor. This is a great hobby that makes you feel great everyday.
I also have to agree with making sure you get your technique down before you call it quits on trying different blade/razor combos.

I thought I had found my one and only blade right away with Gillette Yellows and bought 200+ blades. While these blades are still probably my best blades I have been revisiting some others and found that Feathers work great, but for only 2 maybe 3 shaves for me, Bleue Extras are really good blades, and that I dismissed Personna RPs way to quickly at first.
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DON'T go searching for the right razor and the right blade until you have your technique down solid with one razor and one blade. Otherwise you won't be able to distinguish between differences in the hardware and variation in your technique.

p.s. thank you for serving!

I agree

As far as blades My favorites work in all my razors.
So far for me it's the Shark chrome, i did tried it in my vintage gilette superspeed and also in my Parker 98r. The result so far is great in both rasors. Tomorow i'll try it in my Parker 99r and the day after in my Micro Touch one(weishi). Guitar10
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