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Finally tried the rolls

Looks like wedge blade safety razors are my new AD. Won two Wilkinson Sword sets, one of the Empire auto-strop type, and one pre 1925 style. I also have another wedge razor coming from one the members here. Couldn't stand the wait so I pulled out the Rolls Razor I've had for a couple of months and gave it a go. I'd like to say it was the best shave I've had since leaving the carts and the goo. It wasn't, but I'd like to be able to say that. I did get a DFS with 2-passes and a little touch up but I think I need to hone the blade just a little more before it will be trully shave ready. I will pass this bit of advice along to anyone wanting to try on of these things out, if it stalls on your face STOP! This thing will peel the skin right off your face if you get sloppy, but isn't that true for any razor? Over-all it was a good shave and can see it getting better, definately a keeper.:thumbup1:
A great and under-appreciated razor. It looks intimidating but, with a properly honed and stropped blade, gives a BBS shave everytime.
I haven't used mine that many times over the years...I got it mostly because it looked cool and I had no idea what it was!! Always a good shave. I can see with a little practice it how it could provide BBS shaves.

Yeah, they shave great, but if you thing Rolls are good, then wait until you try a straight.

Isn't that what a Rolls is? A straight with training wheels? I got several of them just because they're so darn cool, but I haven't screwed up the nerve to put one to my face yet. I don't think any of the blades are up to snuff. At least that's my excuse. I'll be sending some out for a pro hone job soon since I don't have the werewithal to do the job myself at this point. At that point my only excuse will be that I don't have health insurance. But then again, the ER legally has to take you if you're bleeding enough.:ohmy:
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