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Finally made the Williams Mug Shaving Soap plunge!

Since I have started wet-shaving, I thought that using Williams was a right-of-passage, like some kind of fraternity hazing ritual that I just needed to do one day. With so many bad reviews, and the complaints of lathering with Williams, I kept putting off the inevitable. Having tried the other famous brick and mortar brand Van De Hagen, I thought maybe it was time for Williams.

Williams and VDH battle for the bottom end of the shaving soap market. I have used the VDH Luxury soap, and picked up the cheap-o 'deluxe' at the grocery store to try. That under my belt, I finally dove in and bought a 99 cent puck of Williams.

I've only used it once, but I had a couple impressions right up front.

The smell was the first thing. It's a real old-time 'soap' smell. I actually had a childhood flashback to like kindergarten or elementary school... does anyone remember the bathroom soap dispensers that had that gritty soap powder in them? It's all I could think of. Not a bad memory, but not what I was expecting at all. It does have that Ivory soap aroma to it, but the whole time I thought of that powdered soap dispenser stuff. That really threw me back.

It bowl lathered up nicely. From what I have read I was expecting an epic battle for a worthy foam out of that puck, but it required the same effort as any of the other brands I have used, really. It was pretty thick, I may have even loaded the brush more than I needed too. Needless to say there was more than enough to go through three passes.

I didn't have any adverse skin reactions from the soap... it was really a neutral feel to it. My skin didn't feel dried out or moistened or anything. Though I don't really have sensitive skin. I would guess any redness or irritation I tend to run into is probably from my ever-evolving blade-work.

Is it better than VDH deluxe? I would say it's just as good. It's like comparing coke and pepsi. Either one would work in a pinch. The VDH has an even more neutral smell, it was almost like shaving with nothing, which is not too much fun. But Williams just wants to punch you in the face and yell "SOAP!" every time you lather. If someone told me the only shaving soap I could ever use again would be Williams, I would miss the variety of flavors I have used up to this point. But I am pretty sure if I only had Williams from now on, I'd know I could get decent shaves from it, despite it's soapy fragrance. I do think both VDH & Williams will give you better lather than canned shaving cream.

It was worth the 99 cents just to bring up that memory of the powdered soap from my childhood, something that would have been lost to history for me if not for my adventures in shaving!
You're one up on me. I've been shaving for fairly close t0 60 years and never bought Williams until last summer. It's still in its box, though. I can also remember using powdered hand soap in public restrooms, but in my case, it was in pool halls, bars, assorted dives and dance halls I visited in my twenties, before starting a family. I cannot attach a scent memory to the stuff.
I honestly never gave Williams a fair chance at lathering it. It was my first soap and my lather sucked so when I read all the bad reviews I threw it out. Well my lather still sucked for quite a while regardless of the product used. I do remember enjoying the scent of Williams though. Even though it is likened to bug repellent. I may just have to get a puck and give it another go.
Thanks for the writ up
After several failed attempts at trying to get Williams to lather a shout out to Marco was made along with a overseas package of Williams, VDH and some Aqua Velva for a big thanks in taking on the monumental task of getting Williams to lather. Well, it was a long wait for the package to arrive so during that time many posted on the thread about Breaking the Williams Code and I read, learned and one day it happened. Great lather that provided a smooth and comfortable shave. I learned to pour a little hot water onto the puck and let it sit while I either showered or did other things. Pour the excess water off and then use a nice Omega boar brush that has soaked in hot water and start to swirl. Takes about 2 minutes of work to get the lather to its right state, but I can now say I can lather Williams. As for Marco, well he got it to work, but was not that impressed, he thought the VDH Delux was a nice everyday soap, and I think he really liked the Aqua Velva which was a suggestion from another member here when I was getting ready to send the package.
Nice story; I never got the horror/hate stories about Williams after I finally tried it (which took a pretty long time since it is not on the shelves overhere) and was actually very pleased. I could, like you, live with Williams for the rest of my life but I am still glad there are some more options. I do 'hoard' it though...
Also never understood the anti-Williams posts. Not knowing the "proper" technique, I just used a fairly wet puck, fairly wet brush, started loading, poured off excess, and kept whippin' it in the mug until I got a fine lather. It's also the cheapest half of a "superlather" that you can get
My entry into DE shaving was with a Marvy synthetic brush, a Lord L6, and a puck of Williams. The brush was replaced almost immediately. The razor stayed in my rotation for several months before being PIF'd. 18 months later I still have a bit of Williams in my current frankensoap. I wouldn't say that I'm a fan of the stuff, but it's a good, utilitarian shaving soap.
I actually love Williams and find it to be one of the slickest soaps on the market. I think people that bash it either hate the scent or dont know how to lather it correctly. I use it as a stick instead of loading off the puck. Rub it on my face and lather away. Great lasting lather.
The one trick I was taught here that made Williams ok for me was to leave a little hot water to work on it for a while to soften it up.Usually before I go in the shower I add the water and when I get out I pour out the water and lather up with my warm brush.Works really well. But I still like VDH much better than Williams
I grew up with Williams and only HARD water gave me any problems and since I came back to Wet shaving it has been in my den.
Congrats and more power to you. If Williams was the only shaving soap available on the market, I'd be using straight olive oil, or failing at that, canned goo. Just can't abide the smell of Williams, the thought of smothering my face with it is a bit revolting. *shrug* Turns out I absolutely love Tabac tho... go figure? lol
Williams was my very first soap when I turned 16. It was before the formula changed and it was decent soap. Of course I didn't know how to use it properly, but at 16, the terrain was pretty barren. I am interested in trying some of the vintage Williams. It would be interesting to try it again.
Williams, though not at the top will always have a place in my shave den. I can get it to lather fine and it does cushion well.

For full disclosure I always add about 6the drops of glycerin to increase moistness.
Williams, though not at the top will always have a place in my shave den. I can get it to lather fine and it does cushion well.

For full disclosure I always add about 6 drops of glycerin to increase moistness.
Williams was the very first soap I used (only a month and a half into this). I did the hot water trick and had a cheap VDH boar brush with it. No problems, it won me over to using soap and brush and away from the goo. I have made a stick out of it since. I had a sliver of Irish Spring Icy Blast I didn't want to throw away so I mixed it into the warm Williams. This is my everyday soap, I throw another soap in once or twice a week. I am pretty sure this is going to be my standard.

After smelling ARKO I cannot understand why people say Williams screams SOAP. To my nose it is very mild, but I could have gotten an old puck.

You can see it here.
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Personally I use a lot of lukewarm water + Omega 83 (or Proraso brush) + a lot of Williams soap = Great lather here :001_cool:. The smell is pleasant for me and a little bit milder than by the arko soap.
I can´t understand all the bad reviews of this product ...
Gives me a close, non irritating shave.


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