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Finally got some dice

Been wanting to get dice since I read the thread about blade day count.
I know its not for everybody but it helps me out when I am chopping and changing.
Only using 4 razors in rotation at the moment but may go back to 6 now I can keep count. (small things, small minds and all that)
Now I just need a killer toothbrush holder or pipe stand but quite hard to find in this part of the world.

$Dice (480x640).jpg

By the way the good old Injector blade is on day 16 although I usually only start with a WTG pass each day and mayne use it to touch up.
Nice razors!
I always wondered about the dice in some of the pics. I've seen them in STR8RZR and Safety Razor photos and always thought they were there for aesthetic reasons only. Now that there is a logical purpose would you mind explaining how they work - number of shaves on a given razor? Do teach - grasshopper will learn.
Nice razors!
I always wondered about the dice in some of the pics. I've seen them in STR8RZR and Safety Razor photos and always thought they were there for aesthetic reasons only. Now that there is a logical purpose would you mind explaining how they work - number of shaves on a given razor? Do teach - grasshopper will learn.

I am still a noob Chris so not much to teach but plenty to learn. For me its simply counting the number of shaves on each blade (a simple and effective one IMO) if you dont use a particular one for a week or more its hard to remember when you go back to it if its new or had a shave or two. Experienced Gents can probably tell from first stoke of the razor but for me this works. I am not a fan of over using a blade as they are relatively cheap, most blades do not last past day 3 but these SE blades are incredible.
Just when I thought I was done spending money on shave related gear you've reminded me to shop for dice! Damn fine razors too!
Yes, great razors. Never heard of this system, but now I'm on the hunt for some cool vintage dice. Maybe some from an old Vegas casino...
$Dice use (480x640).jpg

Found this small stand in Bed Bath and Beyond today just need to extend it upwards a little (another stolen idea from B&B) note the Injector is a new edition from the first picture I posted in this thread, but I guess you Gents were all over that already. Thanks to a fellow Gent and BST !
That's a pretty aesthetic way to keep track! I've just been marking the corners of my blades with a sharpie , but now I too need to find some dice... I've always had a love affair with the transparent red dice that come with Risk.
Fantastic dice and stand! I love dice and have a large collection, and I'm jealous because I've never seen a 1 pip like that before.
Fantastic dice and stand! I love dice and have a large collection, and I'm jealous because I've never seen a 1 pip like that before.

If shipping wasn't so expensive I would send you a set they came with a blue, red and also a white set of 6 each $3.50 for the 24.
Nice razors!
I always wondered about the dice in some of the pics. I've seen them in STR8RZR and Safety Razor photos and always thought they were there for aesthetic reasons only. Now that there is a logical purpose would you mind explaining how they work - number of shaves on a given razor? Do teach - grasshopper will learn.

I've been trying to understand the dice thing myself. Irregardless of the number of razors one might be using in rotation, why wouldn't you start with one razor and one blade, get your 3-5 shaves or whatever out of the blade and then decide, "Do I want to continue using this brand of blade?" and "Do I want to continue using this razor?" and if not, change one or both at that time and proceed for the next 3-5 shaves? I'm a fan of variety but I'm not driven to the point where I couldn't finish using up a blade before I needed a change. I've shaved with 8 different razors and while there are slight differences between them, they really aren't all that different among the razors I choose to continue using. It just seems like it's making something much more complicated than it needs to be. I'd just want to pick up a razor and use it without having to worry about it, thinking about it or referring to some kind of tracking system.
I am a completely random shaver. At any moment, I have eight razors racked up and ready to go and will go to the drawer and pull any of the other 30-40+ razors if none of the eight strike my fancy. I use the dice to track the blade from razor to razor. If I pull an Astra with two shaves on it from the Sheraton and move it to an LC New then I can track it. If a Lab(3) sits in the 40's SS for two weeks, then I know it has three shaves on it the next time I use it. I only occasionally shave with the same razor two days in a row. I also rarely use the same brush two days in a row, the same with soaps, creams and AS. About the only thing I repeat for every shave is water. Dice are very handy for me.
Hmm...I just change the blade on Sundays.

Enjoy, I envy you truely.
Everything I do looks like dice. When I was in to coffee I had sets of scales and temp gauges. My strength training gym looks like a lab and wet shaving brings out similar traits. Its just how I do things and I also use more than one razor per shave so its a simple and effective way to shave for me.
We are all different and thats ok by me.
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