I've been jonesing for a long-handled super adjustable for a while now. Imagine my delight when I find one tucked away in one of our local antique/flea markets today! It was even surprisingly clean compared to the finds I have been buying around here lately as it didn't have all the soap scum and loose hairs that usually accompany the razors I find tucked away in these places. Just wanted to share the pic with folks and ask those who own one what they think of them. As an added bonus, I found another slim and a three piece marked Grafco-Germany. The Black Handle is dated 01, and the Slim is dated J4. The grafco I have no clue about lol, it was in a bag with the blades so I got it as well. I almost pulled the trigger on a Keen Kutter safety razor in the box with instructions but changed my mind at the last minute. Anybody have one of those?