I've made quite a few posts there, getting opinions on what i've been doing wrong when lathering. It started from using too little soap, to using to little water, and so on.
I followed a lot of different advice, making sure there are no bubbles, make sure theres a nice sheen to the lather, trying out a few different lather consistencies... I tried a whole lot of stuff, and got varying results. As in, sometimes a certain way to lather worked great for me, most times not
I finally cracked it... confirmed with 2 different soap bases and blades.
After trying a Noble Otter soap, i found that i got way less irritation compared to Stirling soaps. Like, way way less, close to none if any. I'm sure that some extra ingredients in the Noble Otter soap do help, someone i asked thought it might be the clay in the NO soap.
The NO soap also lathers up faster/easier than the Stirling, so i thought to myself to try lathering the Stirling soaps for longer. Sure enough, while adding a bunch of water, as i usually do, i keep working the lather until it becomes very thick. It has changed immensely how my skin feels during and after a shave. While the lather i had was always super slick, it was missing something that i never understood.... Cushion. I finally understand it, and boy does it make a difference!
Also, having a brush that i can use to face lather has helped immensely, my unwillingness of face lathering too much, has very likely come from the Yaqi Tuxedo knot i had. While it is super soft, it has too much backbone for me. I was getting irritation even before i got to shaving... That all changed after i got myself a Muhle STF XL. Shout out to @apshaveco for the recommendations when selecting a brush
Thought i'd share, in case anyone is going through the same
I followed a lot of different advice, making sure there are no bubbles, make sure theres a nice sheen to the lather, trying out a few different lather consistencies... I tried a whole lot of stuff, and got varying results. As in, sometimes a certain way to lather worked great for me, most times not
I finally cracked it... confirmed with 2 different soap bases and blades.
After trying a Noble Otter soap, i found that i got way less irritation compared to Stirling soaps. Like, way way less, close to none if any. I'm sure that some extra ingredients in the Noble Otter soap do help, someone i asked thought it might be the clay in the NO soap.
The NO soap also lathers up faster/easier than the Stirling, so i thought to myself to try lathering the Stirling soaps for longer. Sure enough, while adding a bunch of water, as i usually do, i keep working the lather until it becomes very thick. It has changed immensely how my skin feels during and after a shave. While the lather i had was always super slick, it was missing something that i never understood.... Cushion. I finally understand it, and boy does it make a difference!
Also, having a brush that i can use to face lather has helped immensely, my unwillingness of face lathering too much, has very likely come from the Yaqi Tuxedo knot i had. While it is super soft, it has too much backbone for me. I was getting irritation even before i got to shaving... That all changed after i got myself a Muhle STF XL. Shout out to @apshaveco for the recommendations when selecting a brush
Thought i'd share, in case anyone is going through the same