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Final Polish On Buffers Question

From the not so talented to the talented restorers I have a question on polishing. I've been running 80,120,180,240,400 greaseless compound on cotton wheels then progress to black emery, stainless compound, white rouge to finish it off. I only use sisal wheels for the black emery but cotton for the rest.

I've been extremely happy with the results but hear of excellent results with crox on wheels but since I can't find anything that relates to straights on here, will this work? Also I've been told use loose wheels for it but cotton or flannel?

Or will crox even make a difference? Thanks fellas.

EDIT: The crox for final polish not to replace the progression. Sorry:001_tongu
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aha a post that i was thinking of making!!
Currently I use a sisal mop for greaseless, then on to carbrax on a stitched and to finish hyfin on a loose!
I've got a block of crox and keep meaning to experiment on a wheel with it, i would suggest using it on either a stitched or loose cotton mop. As to whether its any better than the setup your using at the mo.........try it and let us know!!:thumbup:
I think the Dremel felt wheels cut a little aggressively - in the right light, you can see the scratches. For a final polish, I like a cloth wheel, white rouge and a light touch.
I'm afraid even the laser has it's limits....:crying:

Yeah, the way a laser cutter cuts is through a series of impulses. It's sort of like a fancy dot-matrix printer where you can adjust the distance between the impulses and intensity. When I've cut with a laser printer, I found that the edge made needed some sanding.
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