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FIFA is anyone really surprised by recent events?

I believe you referencing the theme of some being "more" equal than others? Granted, there are Federations that are larger and more powerful (economically or talent, whichever) than others, but surely a system can be devised where all future Cups are sited based, not on who has the deepest pockets, but who can host the world safely and the matches splendidly. Brazil 2014 was a joy to watch, but an economic DISASTER for the country. Somewhere in the middle is the sweetspot, no?

I was more so referring to the inevitability of another corrupt organization after some time. But that is a great point as well and I would agree with that statement. There would be another powerhouse. It was heavily rumored that certain English players were left off of the World Cup rosters because of their affiliation with football in the U.S. and Canada. While I do believe another association can indeed work, the level of visibility to quell the distrust will be too exceptional to obtain.
From Fox Soccer:

Former FIFA vice-president Jack Warner claims he knows why Sepp Blatter resigned and says he has an "avalanche" of evidence regarding alleged corruption at the sport's governing body.
In a political address entitled "The gloves are off" broadcast in Trinidad and Tobago, Warner said he feared for his life, but would reveal everything he knows, stating he had instructed his lawyers to contact law enforcement officials in his homeland and overseas. Warner also said that when he heard Blatter was stepping down, he wrote to him urging his immediate departure from FIFA.
"Blatter knows why he fell. And if anyone else knows, I do," Warner said. He said some of the documents he had related to financial dealings with FIFA, some of which are being investigated by US authorities.
But he also said he had documents linking FIFA officials, including Blatter, to the 2010 government election in Trinidad and Tobago.
Warner used the pre-recorded broadcast, televised on TV6 in Trinidad and Tobago, to say he has compiled a file of documents that shows "a link between FIFA, its funding and me, the link between FIFA its funding and the United National Congress (UNC) and the People's Partnership government in (Trinidad and Tobago's) general election 2010."
The TV6 website reported that in the five-minute broadcast, Warner said the file "also deals with my knowledge of international transactions at FIFA, including its president Mr. Sepp Blatter and, lastly, other matters involving (Trinidad and Tobago's) current prime minister."
Warner added: "I apologize for not disclosing my knowledge of these events before. There can be no reversal of the course of action I've now embarked upon. I have kept quiet, fearing this day might come. I will do so no more. I will no longer keep secrets for them who actively seek to destroy the country. I reasonably actually fear for my life."

The former CONCACAF president said he has compiled reams of documents and is delivering them to his lawyers. Warner added: "Not even death will stop the avalanche that is coming. The die is cast. There can be no turning back. Let the chips fall where they fall."
Warner is among more than a dozen officials charged by the US Department of Justice in the $150 million corruption and bribery investigation. US investigators say he solicited bribes worth millions and charged him with offenses including racketeering and bribery.
He has been accused of taking a bribe of $10m from South African officials in exchange for votes in the 2010 World Cup bidding process. South Africa's minister of sport again denied those allegations on Wednesday, claiming the payment was for another project which was "above board". Warner's address on Wednesday came hours after American Chuck Blazer, another former FIFA executive committee member, admitted taking bribes relating to a range of tournaments, including the 1998 and 2010 World Cups.
Warner is facing possible extradition to the United States after being indicted by American authorities on the corruption charges but indicated he will fight this. He added: "I have no intention of allowing them to deprive me of my freedom."

this blows my mind! not that he has that info, not that he would roll over and give up without even a trial, but the implications of what this does to fifa. staggering.

as to the let's get the other associations together and figure something out, i'm not so sure. jack warner for example was head of t and t fa and also concacaf before working for fifa, i don't think the corruption stops here. this just changes who is driving the bus.
I just read that Blatter is backtracking and might try to stay on as Fifa president. Surely that would be the end of Fifa.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
So ...

"ooh, he's down!"


"... that looks pretty bad!"


"........ aaaaand he's back up and he's all better."


Well, at least he's trying to run the correct sport.
its been blatantly fishy since the whole france - brazil 1998 fiasco. back then it was just a 'nut-job conspiracy theory'. as it turns out it was probably right on the money.

poor ronaldo. i was never a huge fan of his game, but his 'rags to riches' story was straight out of a fairy tale book.
they said they'd ruin his career.... and they did :(

theres just too much money involved for football to stay on the straight and narrow.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
You think Maradona can clean-up the mess soccer is in

[FONT=&amp]By Graham Dunbar AP Sports Writer
[FONT=&amp]22 June 22, 2015

"[/FONT][/FONT]If Diego Maradona is serious about running for the FIFA presidency, he still has a lot of work to do just to get on the ballot.

The former Argentina soccer star with a history of on- and-off-the field controversy would need to persuade five of FIFA's member associations to nominate him and then pass an integrity check.

Maradona's desire to run for FIFA's top job was reported by Victor Hugo Morales, a journalist close to the retired great.
Morales, who hosts a show on the regional network Telesur, said on Twitter that Maradona told him he plans to be candidate.

FIFA President Sepp Blatter announced this month that he would be stepping down — four days after being elected for a fifth term — amid a U.S. probe into $150 million in bribes allegedly paid to top soccer officials.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro immediately called for Maradona to replace him.

Maradona has been a high-profile supporter of Venezuela's socialist government and a sharp critic of corruption in soccer.

Maradona's long list of provocative incidents would seem to go against the image that soccer's world governing body will want to embrace as it digs out from its worst scandal".


In this May 4, 2015 file photo, Argentina football legend Diego Maradona speaks on the second day of the SoccerEx Asian Forum conference in Southern Shuneh, Jordan. Journalist Victor Hugo Morales said on Twitter late Sunday, June 21, 2015 that Maradona plans to run for president of FIFA. (AP Photo/Raad Adayleh, File)[/FONT]

Read More:http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/maradonas-road-fifa-presidency-filled-obstacles-31945635

[FONT=&amp]"Soccer is like a poem, you write it with your soul and heart, but you say it with your feet". Chris Castillo[/FONT]
The biggest cheater in World Cup finals history, convicted of financial fraud among other things, habitual drug user to the point of hospitalization, yep great candidate for FIFA president.
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