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Feeling bad about changing a blade early...?

I was just wondering if any of you ever felt this. I don't really know how to explain it, and I've only been DE Shaving for about a week, and I got a sampler blade pack from WCS.

For my first two shaves, I popped in a Derby Extra, and while I liked the shave, I only have a generally light-mild beard. Although after two easy passes it was a good shave, I just didn't feel satisfied. It just felt like I could of had a better shave.

So last night I went to have my third shave with the blade, and immediately after starting, I felt a bit of a tug, so I swapped it out for a IP, and immediately I noticed the difference on that first shave to my Derby. I even received what most would call a DFS :thumbup:

I know YMMV! :tongue_sm But for some reason I just feel 'bad' about dumping my Derby after only two shaves, even though it only cost around 10cents a blade! :lol:. Anyone ever feel this way?

Thanks for reading this long boring post!

HAGS (Have a Great Shave!) :001_rolle
Well, for Derbs that's about all you're going to get out of them (at least in my experience), but the good news is our hobby is cheap (ADs aside), especially when it comes to replacement blades. Since you're just getting your feet wet, trying a lot of new stuff is all a part of the experience, and figuring out what you like, why, and how much mileage you get out of things are going to be high on the list. If you burn through the whole pack of Derbs and only get two good shaves out of each, that's good and valuable information for you, and gives you something to compare other blades with. Don't worry, you're doing just fine...welcome to the disorder!
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Don't worry about it. You'll know when its time to change blades, as you say, they're cheap enough. Everyone is different so just do what you feel is right.

If I'm trying a new blade I'll give it a fair shake, and then decide. The only way I'll can a blade early is if I get 2 lousy shaves in a row. Then I know that's not a good blade for me. Of course your MMV, and you have to do whats right for you.
It must have killed you to throw away a $3.00 fusion blade

:lol::lol: Actually, a few weeks ago I figured I could get one more shave from my fusion, the next day everybody was asking me why I had 3 parallel lines in the shape of a razor blade on my face... Talk about bad razor burn. :blushing:

That's probably why I felt wary, because I'm so use to paying 24$ for a pack of 6 blades!
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I was just wondering if any of you ever felt this. I don't really know how to explain it... But for some reason I just feel 'bad' about dumping my Derby after only two shaves, even though it only cost around 10cents a blade! :lol:. Anyone ever feel this way?

It means you have a thrifty and frugal soul and will not succumb easily to Acquisition Disorders.

It must have killed you to throw away a $3.00 fusion blade

Heck it killed me to throw out the Trac II cartridges. Talk about squeezing blood from a stone.
I regularly toss each blade after 2 uses, irregardless of brand.

  • Blades are cheap.
  • Blades are readily available.
  • Blades are designed to be DISPOSABLE.
Sometimes I'll toss a blade after one shave if I wasn't happy with the shave for any reason. Derby's and Merkurs get 2 shaves max. Reds and Yellows get 3 max. Also, if any blade draws even a little blood, it immediately gets fed to the blade bank.
It means you have a thrifty and frugal soul and will not succumb easily to Acquisition Disorders.

:tongue_sm I don't think so! I'm already shopping around for a nice badger brush, vintage DE's from eBay, and placed an order for more soaps/creams from WCS, a week after getting my first DE! :tongue_sm

Acquisition Disorder : Acquired.

Also, if any blade draws even a little blood, it immediately gets fed to the blade bank.

Boy do I feel bad for any feathers that come your way! :lol:
Have any or many or you tried the Wilkinson Classic? I normaly will get 5 to 6 shaves from them and these are my everyday blade, the only thing they are getting harder to find.
It means you have a thrifty and frugal soul and will not succumb easily to Acquisition Disorders.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight; that'll happen.:sneaky2:

=chrislols;1823897]:tongue_sm I don't think so! I'm already shopping around for a nice badger brush, vintage DE's from eBay, and placed an order for more soaps/creams from WCS, a week after getting my first DE! :tongue_sm

Acquisition Disorder : Acquired.


I tend to have the same feelings. I remember a after I had shaved with a personna for the first few times I wished I could have gone back in time and put a feather in instead lol. In the end, who cares. It's just one blade, toss that thing
chrislols, rancor, are you a descendant of scottish ancestors ? Or maybe from swaebian ancestors - which would be the German equivalent to scottish people. ;-)

No really, I'm with dpm802: Blades are cheap, available and designed to be disposable. But yes sometimes .. :blink:
chrislols, rancor, are you a descendant of scottish ancestors ? Or maybe from swaebian ancestors - which would be the German equivalent to scottish people. ;-)

No really, I'm with dpm802: Blades are cheap, available and designed to be disposable. But yes sometimes .. :blink:

Haha, that actually might not be too far off. My dad just got into the Ancestry.com thing, only to find out how much German we have in us.:thumbup:
Maybe my blade habits are indicative of my geneology =P
I used to feel like this but nowadays just want a good shave be that after 1, 2, 3 or 4 uses of a blade, tried some red personnas lately and they give me 4 good shaves compared to just 2 with the lords i also have opened.
:lol::lol: Actually, a few weeks ago I figured I could get one more shave from my fusion, the next day everybody was asking me why I had 3 parallel lines in the shape of a razor blade on my face... Talk about bad razor burn. :blushing:

That's probably why I felt wary, because I'm so use to paying 24$ for a pack of 6 blades!


When I first started and was surfing the sampler packs I forced myself to use every blade at least 5 times, even if I knew after the first stroke / first pass / first day it wasn't for me. I knew at the time it was silly but had the guilt you describe.

Part of that I can try to blame on being predominately Dutch, but I think mostly it was conditioning from 15 years of feeling like I was shaving with packs of sharpened $20 bills and it hurt more to throw them away than to keep scrubbing my face with them.

The conditioning was quickly unlearned, especially as generous members who recognized the stage I was in would throw in a few blades as I bought things. Also making the 50 cent broth blade disposal bank helped. It was not only a great way to channel my enthusiasm inexpensively but it made throwing away used blades kinda fun. :)

Soon you'll have your favorite picked out, you can buy 100 of them for $10 or $20 that will last a year or two, and you'll be sending out samples yourself before you know it.
I too felt this way early on. I started with Derbys and found them to be a decent blade but felt there was a lot of variability between blades in the same pack...some would last 5-6 shaves, others I had to dump after 1-2 shaves.

Right now I am using feathers. I got 7 days out of my last feather blade, but felt some dulling towards the end. Not really pulling though. I like these.
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