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Feathers with HD, ? with Progrees/Mergress?

I prefer a Feather blade with my HD, Derbys, etc just don't give me a close shave ...I am planning on getting a Progress or Mergress. Was wondering if a Feather would be too aggressive in the new DE compared to the HD...
I had a progress and it shaved like my HD when set between 2.5 and 3. If you like feathers, I am sure they will work for you with the adjustable.
I had a progress and it shaved like my HD when set between 2.5 and 3. If you like feathers, I am sure they will work for you with the adjustable.


I think my Progress on 3 is slightly more aggressive than my HD, but they are very similar razors. They look a lot a like in profile also.

I think you will be happy with it.
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