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Feathers- why be scared?

It's taken me a year to finally order some feather blades. I've read all over the forums about how these things are so sharp and should be feared. No noob should try one, etc...

I wish I had started with one of these. They just glide over your skin with no tugging or razorburn. It's almost like it had training wheels. Superior blade- should be everybody's first. No need to fear it.
I agree 100%, it only took me 2 months before I was brave enough to try one..... I knew after the first shave that I had found my what I had been looking for. A slant/feather combo is a match made in heaven for me. I'm right where I need to be.
I'd be cautious around the Feathers for the same reason I'm cautious around any blade...they are sharp!

They shave well for me, but not so well that I can justify the asking price. Even with the famous feather, YMMV.


I think the warning is for the average shaver. Technique that may be second nature to you is not to the next person.
My mileage does vary!

The feathers are great blades, but I need to pay attention when I shave with them or there'll be blood. Sometimes lots of blood. They are so sharp that I do not feel the cut. I just see the bleeding. Then I have to use the pencil to stop the bleed, sometimes that is not enough!. They are that sharp.

But also because they are so sharp, they shave so much better than other lesser blades (all other blades IMHO). They shave closer, easier, and with less irritation.

I reserve use for when I have the time and attention. Last thing I need when shaving with a feather is my wife or child distracting me...

The feather deserves respect, but certainly not fear.

It's taken me a year to finally order some feather blades. I've read all over the forums about how these things are so sharp and should be feared. No noob should try one, etc...

I wish I had started with one of these. They just glide over your skin with no tugging or razorburn. It's almost like it had training wheels. Superior blade- should be everybody's first. No need to fear it.

Took me two months to take the step. Was great, in a not too aggressive razor. But I also found I can do just one shave with them. And that puts them after some competitors.
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If you have a razor like the EJ DE89, Feathers are sufficiently tamed by the head to be safe, smooth blades. Use an "open" razor however and you have to be careful, because they'll draw blood at the slightest lapse in technique. They're so sharp that you won't feel it, but it's still annoying. That's why I don't use them.
I'm a wet-shaving n00b (been going about 6 weeks), and after reading a bunch about how "sharp" the feathers are, I thought "aren't razor blades supposed to be sharp? And wouldn't sharper=better? Am I missing something?"

Bought a Merkur Barber Pole, and some kit, and a sampler pack of blades. Tried a few of the blades, and have to admit being surprised at the difference, and after trying a few, gave the feathers a go. Yes, they are sharp, and the way I see it, it's how you want it! After using cartridge razors (Mach 3 et al) for all of my life, and using them when they were obviously too blunt (because they are such a rip-off), shaving with a sharp blade was a revelation.

I have crap skin, heaps of ingrowns, which are thankfully reducing. I get a few weepers with Feathers every now and then, but compared to the carnage that I used to do to my face with the cartridges, its nothing.

I'll keep using Feathers, can't see the reason to try anything else. I also find it funny when people complain how "Expensive" they are: I can buy 100 of them for $59 delivered in Australia (about $50USD) from Mensbiz. Even at the rate of 2 week, that's a year's shaving - I consider that to be pretty cheap!

Getting back to the original post - agree wholeheartedly. And the fact is, ANY blade (cartridge or not) which is used without the proper care will cut the crap out of you. It's not like these "blunter" blades won't cut you, and I found that one of the ones I tried (Personna's I think?) skipped like a bastard and actually had me more worried than I have been with the Feathers.
I'm a wet-shaving n00b (been going about 6 weeks), and after reading a bunch about how "sharp" the feathers are, I thought "aren't razor blades supposed to be sharp? And wouldn't sharper=better? Am I missing something?"

I'll keep using Feathers, can't see the reason to try anything else. I also find it funny when people complain how "Expensive" they are: I can buy 100 of them for $59 delivered in Australia (about $50USD) from Mensbiz. Even at the rate of 2 week, that's a year's shaving - I consider that to be pretty cheap!

No, you are quite right. I also wondered about these stories on Feathers.
Here on Boar & Blade you can find Dr Idiot / Jason in the vendor corner, he ships 100 Feathers for 30 usd world wide.
No need to fear the Feather. If your shave technique is strong and you consistently get good quality shaves from other blades you are more than ready to try the Feather.
It's taken me a year to finally order some feather blades. I've read all over the forums about how these things are so sharp and should be feared. No noob should try one, etc...

I wish I had started with one of these. They just glide over your skin with no tugging or razorburn. It's almost like it had training wheels. Superior blade- should be everybody's first. No need to fear it.

All good things come to those who wait.:wink2: But i believe there is to much fear of a feather blade. Sharp yes will cut you if you dont pay attention yes But all blades are if i am wrong call razors....:wink2: So just be careful and you will get some wonderful shaves with a feather.
I just finished the 14th and last shave off my first Feather and they are great blades. I usually get 7 shaves out of a Derby, but 14 shaves? At that rate the cost per shave is as cheap as, if not cheaper than Derbys!
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