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Feather Yellow Package with a different logo

I have a pack of feather yellow pack blades that has a different logo on them then the last ones I bought, the last ones have the same 2 feather in a red triangle logo I have typically seen

like this :View attachment 248904

these ones look the same except instead of the 2 feathers in the red triangle they have one feather in a red square...are the ones with the red square legit?
I know that Feather changed their logo recently. I believe the change was sometime late last year. I have some newer Feather packs that have a single feather logo. If you can post a pic of the new packs, we can certainly confirm that they are legit.
I guess Feather got envy of Gillette moronic marketing tactics. Next thing they will change the name of the blades.
here they are
Good eye! I recently recieved the same single feather logo for my 100 pack...which is certainly different than the 10 pack I recieved in my sampler. Thanks for the headsup. Someone out there know whatsup?
As other mentioned, those are legit and just have the new Feather logo. FWIW, I have both and haven't noticed any difference in blade quality between the two.
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