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feather ss owners should it look like this?

hi guys is this part of the manufacturing process or is it damaged i got it on the 10/10 and haven't even used it as i have no blades it was a b day prezzie. wife got it from shaving.ie. thanks nathan


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I would guess it's left over from the manufacturing process. It's not unusual to see that on plastic, usually on cheaper items though. If it bugs you return it, otherwise it's not really affecting anything else.
I'd try a blade first, and see if its O.K. If not send it back to the vendor where it was purchased. I'm sure there won't be any problem exchanging it if there's a problem. If the vendor won't take care of you Feather will take it back. I've found them to be good on customer service.
IIRC you got this from Chris at shaving.ie?
He is a member here and is pretty good at the old customer service
looks to me like a bit left over from manufacturing
Ok so I emailed Chris at shaving ie and he was very quick to respond to me he says that it is from the manufacturing process and I do belive him but at the same time I am very dissapointed with it. It is my first straight razor and my wife saved for a long time to buy me this as she knew I wanted one. It really is a lovely very well made piece of kit and then you see the chip out the front of it. I'm gutted. Tryied emailing feather via there website but no reply. I'm kinda wishing I stuck with my old bic I know that prob sounds silly but it was a lot of money and I feel let down. If your brand new d car camne with the dashboard chiped would you be happy. Any help / advice greatly appriciate thanks Nathan.
That's what I thought this is the email I got from shaving ie Thanks for your email. Yes Those marks are present on all Feather SS razors from the manufacturing process. It is just the way they are made using injection moulding.

Don't really know what to do now please help
I don't have a Feather, but I just went and looked at my two cheapest (DE) razors that have plastic handles, and THEY don't have molding artifacts like that.

You might have to eat shipping.
If it were me, since it doesn't affect the function of the razor, I would just use it.

I will say that it looks like a defect, as I wouldn't expect something like that at the end of the handle. The Japanese are usually pretty fastidious about stuff like that.
If it bothers you, why not just sand it out? It's plastic. Not hard to fix.

Cheap DE's not having molding lines is irrelevant since they aren't using the same mold as this product.

Whether or not it's present in all feathers of this model or not should be easy to confirm/deny. Surely some others here have one.

If it turns out to be a defect, I don't see a problem with returning it. But to me this kind of flaw is par for the coarse with molded plastics and like I said above, I'd just polish it out myself if it bothered me.
ok so who should i speak to shaving ie again or feather? vanowen in sorry if you think in obsessing i know i don't shave with that part but when i buy something i expect it to be right. if i wasn't fussed about how the razor looked i would just go and buy a piece of **** from a supermarket. if your new sofa had a rip in the back would you be pissed off even though you don't sit on that bit i would. maybe i just have high standards. sorry.
That's what I thought this is the email I got from shaving ie Thanks for your email. Yes Those marks are present on all Feather SS razors from the manufacturing process. It is just the way they are made using injection moulding.

Don't really know what to do now please help

I was going to cry foul. I have a couple of RGs and DXs that are perfectly formed. However, I also have a black handled SS that definitely has mold marks in the same place. I didn't realize they were even there. Mine are as significant as yours - they are much harder to see because of the black scales, though.

You could polish it out with some very fine sandpaper - or just leave it. I know what you mean when you say it bothers you... my black one is now bothering me and I didn't even know about it until two minutes ago. ;-}
Cheap DE's not having molding lines is irrelevant since they aren't using the same mold as this product.

True...it's the process.

In this case, someone at Feather screwed up the process, hence the ugly molding scar. I'm sure the mold itself is fine.
Ok so feathe replied to my email with Dear Mr. Nathan Shepherd

Thank you very much for your e-mail to us and appreciate your purchase of our product, Artist Club SS Razor.

For your suggestion of the chipped part of plastic handle, we would like to explain it why such dent on the handle is appeared.

When we make the part of plastic handle, we use "injection molding" for it. In this case, the raw material should be filled up into the mold from small injection hole. Through this process, handle part is accomplished with extra plastic part for the injection hole. Then, we cut out this discarded part with nipper. As result, such dent is generated for all products in greater or lesser degrees although it may be less attractive for every end-user.

Despite precious birthday present from your wife, we are sorry to bother you about this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Feather Safety Razor Co., Ltd. Y. Takahata (Mr.) - Deputy General Manager

I am a little disappointed to be honest I work at a boat building company and see moulds ever day and I know our product is a lot more expensive but we would never get away with that. I will get one of our finishers to sort it out for me but I really shouldn't have too. Thanks for eveyones help/ input. Nathan
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