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Feather Razors - Anyone ever seen these ones before?


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Not my pics and not looking to purchase any (based on current prices of them on eBay), but was wondering if anyone has any info on these?

I've had a 3 pc travel one before, and have seen the break apart travel, but have never seen most of these.

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I've seen someone trying to sell them on eBay before from Japan for a couple hundred bucks a piece.

yes, that's where the above pic came from.

prices are :wacko: if you ask me

I've just never seen any of those odd ones, anywhere. no pics on here, no vintage pics, nothing. did they ever see the retail market?


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I really like that long handled version of the portable. He sold this Feather Open Comb a while back. The design of the bottom plate reminds me of a Rotbart.

yeah, i'd say it's the nicest looking one. not sure it's $300 nice, but it's nice.

i just wonder (red flags go up in my head) why no one has ever seen or used these before (outside the travel tech ones).

they show up on this Japanese Website too (same seller as the ebay guy i think)
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I inquired about these razors a while back, same seller from Japan, Asked him a few ?'s on why such a high price, He wrote back and sounded offended, Not finding any info on this amd asking him for proof of authenticity and he got offended it threw up some Serious Red Flags.

Play it safe and call Feather and have them confirm that they did carry such a razor a while back if you cant get any confirmation from feather stay away, just my Two Cents.


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I inquired about these razors a while back, same seller from Japan, Asked him a few ?'s on why such a high price, He wrote back and sounded offended, Not finding any info on this amd asking him for proof of authenticity and he got offended it threw up some Serious Red Flags.

Play it safe and call Feather and have them confirm that they did carry such a razor a while back if you cant get any confirmation from feather stay away, just my Two Cents.

Thanks and no worries. I am NOT looking to buy one, I just wandered across them by accident and was wondering what the scoop on them was.

my guess is they are either prototypes or ones that never saw the market. this guy managed to get a hold of them somehow and has jacked up the prices based on the "Feather" name. or like you said, they are grey market and worth $3-5 each.

I have an old one from the same era.
They can be found in the Feather Museum, but other than that they're not seen very often.

The logo is certainly a clue as to the time period that they're from.
my guess is they are either prototypes or ones that never saw the market.
I wouldn't expect Feather products from the 50's and 60's to be well documented on the internet. It's certainly possible that there just isn't much info on them. One could certainly verify directly with Feather.
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