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Feather got me!

Well, it had to happen sooner or later. I lost my concentration for about a second and that's all it took -- the Feather blade in my DE tried to cut off a mole. I'm holding a cold wash rag on it now, trying to get it to quit bleeding so I can finish my morning "ritual".


B&B's Man in Italy
These things may happen when using a sharp blade, but you always learn from your mistakes. Next time remember to be concentrated, to proceed slowly and to use a very, very light touch. :001_smile:wink2:
I have a couple moles that I used to slice when I started using a DE. I don't have problems with them any more, and I don't credit my technique. I truly believe the moles are flatter and harder to nick. My DE has whittled them down.
Well -- it WAS in the ATG pass, and the mole is right on the curve of my chin, making it SO easy to nick. I used to get it all the time, but I think this is the first time I've cut that mole in maybe 15 years.
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