after reading the forums for a year or so and wet shaving for the last year, I ordered the 20 buck Feather "special". It came with two feather blades. Jumped into it Wednesday morning and got a great shave. I liked the lightness and the length of the handle. The feather blade seemed sharp and produced one of the better/best shaves I've experienced. Yesterday morning after my shave (I'm in the Army), I noticed fewer whisker-stubble in the sink thereby indicating a close shave the day prior. But, had a bit of irritation and a couple of "gotcha" points weeping a bit. This morning, had a great shave but the razor bit me badly in a few places - kind of looked like I managed to shave while I was cutting myself.
Point being - so far I like the razor. My usual razor is a Merkur 34C with isreali reds. I plan on really slowing down for my next shave with this combo. However, I have heard many here say that they only get two or so shaves out of the feather blade. I guess I'll slow down a bit and see how it goes. Then I'll transition to the israeli reds to see how they shave in this unit.
Any guidance/points in using this razor? Keep the gates locked tight? Loosen them up a bit and let the blade flex a little? Jim
after reading the forums for a year or so and wet shaving for the last year, I ordered the 20 buck Feather "special". It came with two feather blades. Jumped into it Wednesday morning and got a great shave. I liked the lightness and the length of the handle. The feather blade seemed sharp and produced one of the better/best shaves I've experienced. Yesterday morning after my shave (I'm in the Army), I noticed fewer whisker-stubble in the sink thereby indicating a close shave the day prior. But, had a bit of irritation and a couple of "gotcha" points weeping a bit. This morning, had a great shave but the razor bit me badly in a few places - kind of looked like I managed to shave while I was cutting myself.
Point being - so far I like the razor. My usual razor is a Merkur 34C with isreali reds. I plan on really slowing down for my next shave with this combo. However, I have heard many here say that they only get two or so shaves out of the feather blade. I guess I'll slow down a bit and see how it goes. Then I'll transition to the israeli reds to see how they shave in this unit.
Any guidance/points in using this razor? Keep the gates locked tight? Loosen them up a bit and let the blade flex a little? Jim