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Feather Double Eedge "plastic"


after reading the forums for a year or so and wet shaving for the last year, I ordered the 20 buck Feather "special". It came with two feather blades. Jumped into it Wednesday morning and got a great shave. I liked the lightness and the length of the handle. The feather blade seemed sharp and produced one of the better/best shaves I've experienced. Yesterday morning after my shave (I'm in the Army), I noticed fewer whisker-stubble in the sink thereby indicating a close shave the day prior. But, had a bit of irritation and a couple of "gotcha" points weeping a bit. This morning, had a great shave but the razor bit me badly in a few places - kind of looked like I managed to shave while I was cutting myself.

Point being - so far I like the razor. My usual razor is a Merkur 34C with isreali reds. I plan on really slowing down for my next shave with this combo. However, I have heard many here say that they only get two or so shaves out of the feather blade. I guess I'll slow down a bit and see how it goes. Then I'll transition to the israeli reds to see how they shave in this unit.

Any guidance/points in using this razor? Keep the gates locked tight? Loosen them up a bit and let the blade flex a little? Jim
I also use it locked tight and generally have no problems with it. If it is the popular that you are using, it's a great cheap little razor. I have put feathers in it as well as other brands and always had a pretty good shave.
Absolutely keep it locked tight. If you are getting irritation or cuts then you are pushing down too hard. Try using much less pressure and use more passes (with shave soap applied first each time) to reduce your beard. If after using next to no pressure you are still getting irritation try a more mild blade, like perhaps an Astra. But that is a pretty mild razor and Feather blades should match up well with it.
I like mine and keep it in the rotation. One has to be careful about holding it under the head - you can loosen it without knowing and it gets aggressive real quick. Keep the doors locked down.

Keep your handle as high as possible and all blades will last longer in my experience.

Happy shaving,

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I just got my Feather Popular 4 days ago and I can't believe how great the shaves have been. I tried a Gillette Yellow blade in it this morning and was not quite as pleased though. I think I may just stock up on the feathers and be done with my whole RAD disorder. I'll concentrate on trying different soaps, but as far as I'm concerned: Feather Popular + Feather Blade = Greatest shave ever.

Oh - And keep it tight on the blade.
OK gentlemen - here's where we are: I finished the shaving last week with a small "scrub" on Saturday. (had a great morning - got in a workout and then a couple hundred rounds at the range!!). The shave wasn't as bad as I took folks advice and put very little pressure on the razor.

Monday I changed the blade to an "Israeli red". Shaved much smoother but took a few passes to get a close/acceptable shave. No irritation and no bleeding/weeping/slashing/hack-sawing.

I'll finish a few more days with the current combo and then I'll use my remaining Feather blade in my Merkur 34C (first time I'll have used the Feather in that). I can then comment on both razors with their respective blades.

Thanks for the comments/responses. This is truly a continuously learning experience. Jim
Good to hear things are improving. As they always do with some experience. Be aware that the 34C (especially with Feather blades) will be much more aggresive than your Feather Popular so use an exceedingly light touch. Definitely less touch up should be necessary and possibly less passes. But since you have already used the 34C I'm sure you are already aware of that...
Attila - it is amazing the combination that affects the final result. I didn't think the 34C would be all that aggressive until I tried the reds in the Feather. I get a VERY mild shave with no nicks/cuts/weeping/rash/EI-EI-O with the Feather. Your advice on caution when going with the feather blade and the 34C will be followed to a T.
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