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Feather Blades.

After two years using Derby and Astras I finally had the nerve to buy and try the so called best blades around.....well I am extremely disappointed. I find them no better than Derby's or Astras......save your money....Feather blades, in my opinion, are over rated.
After two years using Derby and Astras I finally had the nerve to buy and try the so called best blades around.....well I am extremely disappointed. I find them no better than Derby's or Astras......save your money....Feather blades, in my opinion, are over rated.

If you don't want them? I'll have them, send them this way :cheerful:
I find them much sharper than Astra; perfect for my Gillette Tech. The do, however, last only 3 shaves. YMMV
I like feathers ans was thinking about buying a 100 pack. However I can't seem to find the cheap prices as I have seen posts about. The cheapest I have seen is $29 and that isn't including the Shipping cost. That's a bit too much for my taste. I've seen Astras for under $10. I do find the feathers to be better blades though. Just too expensive.
All i know is i can about 4 to 5 shaves with a feather but im lucky if i can get 3 out of astras and derbys

I get a weeks worth (5-7) out of both. Actually I got the same out of Derby's. However, when I put an Astra or Feather in my Muhle R41 I get 2 from a feather and 3with the Astra. never tried a Derby in the Muhle.
Just put a feather into my RazoRock Jaws OC for the first time today. Loved the combo. Super smooth shave.
Feather blades are impressively sharp but they are expensive. I've got a few packs, and I try one every now and then, but I personally prefer 7 O'clock yellow blades.
Shaved with a Feather for the first time in my Slim. I started at 4, then on my final (ATG) pass bumped it to 5. A few minor nicks usual places, under chin and on neck), more due to inattentiveness than anything else. Very smooth and close shave... especially noticeable on the WTG and XTG passes. Blade is very quiet across the face. I have to admit I got a closer shave than with my Astra SP and Wilkinson Swords, perhaps in part due to the increased focus. But whether they are worth the cost difference? Hard to say. I have four more that were parts of various samplers, PIF and TGBE that I will definitely use, but I think I will stay with the Astra SP as my "usual" with the Sword as backup.
YMMV indeed. I usually get at least 8-10 shaves out of each Feather. I will admit that by shave 10 they're a bit rough, so I'll say 9 comfortable shaves.
YMMV indeed. I usually get at least 8-10 shaves out of each Feather. I will admit that by shave 10 they're a bit rough, so I'll say 9 comfortable shaves.

I can probably get close to the same using my Merkur HD but in my Muhle R41 2-3 shaves.
I find them much sharper than Astra; perfect for my Gillette Tech. The do, however, last only 3 shaves. YMMV

Got 5 great shaves from mine before I changed the blade--and not because I thought the blade was done. I was just anxious to try another blade from the sampler.
Like a lot of guys, I used Derbys when I was first starting out. I hadn't used one in almost two years, but decided to try one a couple of weeks ago and found it to be mediocre (at best) in every way.

I think Astras are excellent (for me) mainstream blades - sharp and comfortable, but nowhere near as aggressive as a Feather.

I use Feathers most of the time these days. At 30 - 35 cents each, they are not cheap, but even if I were to use use them every day and change them out twice a week, that only adds up to about $35 per year, or about $20 more than a year's supply of Astras.


Needs milk and a bidet!
It's becoming a "pet peeve" of mine when folks talk about DE blades being expensive. You could always pay Gillette $4 per cartridge.
I'm up to day two on a feather in a new R41 and it's still almost as sharp as the first time,I'm pretty impressed with them I must say.
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