Looking for the best price for 100 pack of feathers, any suggestions would be great thanks.
Aug 4, 2012 #1 C Charlie NJ Looking for the best price for 100 pack of feathers, any suggestions would be great thanks.
Aug 4, 2012 #3 I infiniti30 I got 50 from ebay for 15.00 shipped from Thailand. It took 15 days but worth the wait for that price
I got 50 from ebay for 15.00 shipped from Thailand. It took 15 days but worth the wait for that price
Aug 4, 2012 Thread starter #5 C Charlie NJ Wildalaska said: dr idiot is the ONLY place to get Feathers Click to expand... Took one look at his website and placed an order for 100 thanks
Wildalaska said: dr idiot is the ONLY place to get Feathers Click to expand... Took one look at his website and placed an order for 100 thanks