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feather blades...I'm confused

So I decided to try out a feather today, and my first complaint is that they aren't long enough...meaning they don't reach the edges of my EJ. I couldn't use the corner/edge of razor to be precise. What would th reason be to make the blade too short for the razor head?
Hi David,

Just wondering- what blades are you using now, and why? Been using Feathers in my EJ89 to good effect so far...

Hi David,

Just wondering- what blades are you using now, and why? Been using Feathers in my EJ89 to good effect so far...


Jeff, I switched to straights just under a year ago, so DE use is now only very occasional. I sold all my DEs bar my Merkur 1904, and in this I now find Bolzanos are my preferred blade. The Feathers are a perfect match for the EJ, being a mild razor.
Yeah, something isn't right..blades are all the same (or extremely close to the same) size. The width edge to edge particularly is going to be very very close to the same.
I used my first Feather this morning, and I'd agree with the replies so far. I didn't notice any difference in width of the blade. I did, however, notice the nearly BBS in one less pass than it usually takes me :)
So I decided to try out a feather today, and my first complaint is that they aren't long enough...meaning they don't reach the edges of my EJ. I couldn't use the corner/edge of razor to be precise. What would th reason be to make the blade too short for the razor head?

Have you used any other blades before? They all do this. They're not supposed to go all the way to the edge of the razor head; in fact, they're designed not to.
Maybe easier would just to take whatever blade you think is "right" and sit on top of the feather and see if there is any difference. It's very unlikely that there is. If you only take pictures, do one with the feather, and one with the other blade.

I will post pics when I get home
Same experience here in my EJ with Feathers. That's not my blade of choice so I don't use them often, but I've never had an issue as far as fit is concerned.
You are experiencing the mysterious phenomena known to men (and disgracefully, known to some women too) as shrinkage, usually happens when the water is too cold.

Solution? use more product.

I think he means the outer edge of blade to get to areas under the nostrils, but i have never noticed my feathers being any different then my other blades, but then i havent used them much in a long time ill have to pull some out when i get home drop a pic if OP is unable to do so,

seems a bit off to me, but never paying attention its certainly possible
This reminds me of thinking this same thing awhile back. It appeared that the edge of Derby blades stuck out further than Feathers so I used a micrometer to see if this was true but they were same. However, I'd say it's possible to get a blade that's a little longer or wider at times.
I'd say it's possible to get a blade that's a little longer or wider at times.
I don't think it is. Blades are cut out with a die, so it's not like they could accidentally be cut long or short. The only way this could happen was if a factory was using a die that was designed to cut longer or shorter than standard blades.
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