Feathers have been my go-to blade since late last year and they generally last 3 or 4 shaves before they begin to tug on my beard. Over the past 2 months, the blade longevity has increased substantially and now I get 7 or 8 shaves out of a blade before they begin to pull. The only difference in my routine is that I am predominantly using one soap maker, Mystic Water, otherwise it's the same razor, same prep, same face, etc.
Frankly, I am in shock that these blades are now lasting so long and the only variable that has changed is the soap. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like I'm shaving with a magic, mystical blade now.
Frankly, I am in shock that these blades are now lasting so long and the only variable that has changed is the soap. Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like I'm shaving with a magic, mystical blade now.