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Fear of the south to north pass

I think I finally got my technique down and made a vertical 3rd pass last night using a derby blade. No sea of blood thankfully. So much smoother below the chin. I'm confident enough to try a sharper blade now. Are feather blades as sharp as everyone claims?
Try them. if you dont like them, i can dispose of them in the right way for you;) Get a sampler with both astra and feather, and find your perfect blade.
It's subjective and hard to nail down a good answer, but yes, they are very sharp.
I find the first shave that comes from a Feather to be a little harsh.
After one shave they settle down a little.

This is another "Ask 100 people and you'll get 100 different answers" kind of thing.
I tried feathers, and I just never liked them. I use Astras now. Bought a 100 pack and never have looked back or thought of trying a different blade. Use them in all my razors.
For me, Astras don't work at all. They tug and bounce and are just terrible IMO.

Still haven't found anything other than feather. Nothing has even come close actually.

Obviously this varies for the person so don't take this as fact - but GL with the search =^)
Feathers are indeed sharp. My first encounter with them left me with a tiny scar. I made it all the way through my shave with no blood loss and was doing a couple touch-ups when I nicked myself. Must have been asleep at the wheel or something. So, yeah, they are sharp but nothing to fear. They do seem harsher on the first shave and then settle down. I find that they are only good for three or four shaves. Beyond that I'm pushing it. As always YMMV.
The best thing you can do is to try them. They may or may not be good for you. Just be sure to use very light pressure when you use any blade.
My first blades were 100 pack of Astra SP. They were a great blade, and I still use them a lot.. I now have tons of different blades, but for days when I am feeling indecisive I always pop in an Astra or a gillette. I have a couple packs of feathers and have yet to use any of them (nervous lol) But my suggestion is like several others.. try a few steps and not go from one extreme to another (Derby to Feather) I would recommend getting some astra's. :) my .02

and of course, as always YMMV
A face is a very subjective judge of sharpness. I am part of the minority in that I put Feathers right there with cartridges. I get a closer shave, but with similar pulling and more irritation. I much prefer a 7 o'clock Super Stainless or Astra SS. Astra SP isn't bad, either.
Oh, and don't fear the S to N. Just be sure you know your razor and blade, and that you have whacked back the vegetation adequately (NS then WE or EW) before going in for the kill.
hey Tgilly, i got a couple of feather blades i can send to ya if you want to try them. shoot me a PM if you decide to.
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