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Favorite T&H Scents?

I just purchased the T&H sampler pack and will make my own determination. But, I am curious as to what the conventional wisdom of B&B is. What are your 2 or 3 favorite T&H scents? So far I have only tried Grafton and love it
Just tried the 1805 today for the first time, it was awesome, I just ordered their sampler for $12 shipped to try the rest.
I've been thinking about trying a T&H cream. What is the scent of the Ultimate Comfort Cream? Thanks.

I've been using the UltimateShave cream for a long time now. IMO,the scent is a VERY mild lavender one.And by the way,this is a really superb cream. Its in my top 5 all time favorites. Makes great lather easily.

So far I've tried Grafton, 1805, and Trafalgar. I like them all but wont be buying Traglafer. Grafton & 1805 will soon be in my save den.
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