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Favorite razor for upper lip

I was shaving my moustache area this morning with a ball handle Tech and the question popped into my head. I'll vote for the Tech.
I don't shave my lip, as I keep a light goatee. But when I have I have found it much much easier to use a non TTO razor! The head on those is so much bigger/taller and it makes getting in close right under the nose pretty tough. A Tech is a good choice as its head is rather thin. Anything like that would work best I feel.
Are you asking what razor is best for a close upper lip shave or for maneuvering under the nose?

I'm going to assume the former since stubble on the upper lip can be challenging to get a close shave. I vote for a Schick injector, e.g. type I, or a SE razor, e.g. Ever Ready 1912, because I find they give me a close shave with minimal effort and I can shave ATG comfortably.
I have never had a closer shave on my upper lip with such minimal effort than with my old type. The trick is to use a very shallow angle, almost cutting the whiskers parralel to the skin. Very little irritation, and impossibly close.
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Are you asking what razor is best for a close upper lip shave or for maneuvering under the nose?

I'm going to assume the former since stubble on the upper lip can be challenging to get a close shave. I vote for a Schick injector, e.g. type I, or a SE razor, e.g. Ever Ready 1912, because I find they give me a close shave with minimal effort and I can shave ATG comfortably.
Actually, maneuvering under the nose is included. It's a simple question that dawned on me. The tech just seems right. Rather small, light, maneuverable, and a nice blade angle for under the nose and lip area. I use my 37c slant, EJ, and Gillette Super Speed more often and sometimes forget what a great simple razor the Gillette tech is.
I have never had a closer shave on my upper lip with such minimal effort than with my old type. The trick is to use a very shallow angle, almost cutting the whiskers perpendicular to the skin. Very little irritation, and impossibly close.

Don't you mean cutting almost parallel to the skin? Perpendicular would be a steep angle. Anyway, I have a moustache primarily because I find it very uncomfortable to shave my upper lip. I hope others will chime in with their tips.
Don't you mean cutting almost parallel to the skin? Perpendicular would be a steep angle. Anyway, I have a moustache primarily because I find it very uncomfortable to shave my upper lip. I hope others will chime in with their tips.

Get a SE razor or an injector. I think the thicker blades help quite a bit. Also, stretch your upper lip out when you're shaving that area whether it's WTG, XTG, or ATG. When I do this, I usually make an elongated O with my mouth as if I'm yawning. It looks silly but it works.
Pretty much any three piece DE is great at the upper lip, but the award I think would have to go to the Old Type for me...followed by the New Improved and New's. Anything with a low profile head is great there.
I can go ATG with just about any razor now.

For almost a year I couldn't get through a month without cutting my lip under my nose.

One day it all clicked and my muscle memory took over. Now I kind of just do it without thinking.

I had to have looked pretty silly for a while there because I was so scared of cutting myself in the same spot that I had whiskers under my nostrils that I would trim with cuticle scissors. I have the kind of beard that gives me a 5 o'clock shadow by noon. So missing a spot when the rest of my face is smooth is really noticeable. At least I was self-conscious about it.

I would vote for a Tech or Merkur though if it comes down to what's easiest.

An open comb can catch the groove in the center of my lip the wrong way if I'm not careful.

My tough spot now is under the edge of the center of my chin. I have a side to side scar from playing Superman as a kid. I hit the bed rail instead of the mattress when I jumped off the dresser. (there must have been kryptonite in my frosted flakes that day)
Sure it adds character, but it's hard to get both sides of that scar shaved the same way.
I prefer the 2011 R41, the head is fairly agile and the blade sticks out so far it just seems easier to get in there with it...albeit extremely light handed.
Don't you mean cutting almost parallel to the skin? Perpendicular would be a steep angle. Anyway, I have a moustache primarily because I find it very uncomfortable to shave my upper lip. I hope others will chime in with their tips.

Yep... Edited my post thanks.
Don't you mean cutting almost parallel to the skin? Perpendicular would be a steep angle. Anyway, I have a moustache primarily because I find it very uncomfortable to shave my upper lip. I hope others will chime in with their tips.
We are talking about blade angle. Handle perpendicular{to skin} is shallow angle
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