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Favorite Ginger Beer?

Nothing spells refreshment like a cold Ginger Beer on a hot summer day -the spicier the better. What is your favorite Ginger Beer (not Ginger Ale)? My favorite so far has to be Sioux City Brand Ginger Beer -nice and spicy and not too sweet. Please chime in with your favorite.
Hand's down, best ever.
Who carries Bundaberg? I bought an Australian Ginger Beer from Bev-Mo that was pretty good but I have never seen (or heard of) Bundaberg. I'd love to give it a try.

Cost Plus (World Market) usually has it(and a diet version)
It is delicious stuff.

I am sure the Aussies will back me up on it.:wink:
I was surprised, I always thought ginger beer was just like Root Beer with a kind of ginger ale-ish flavour to it. But I bought some stuff at the grocery store and holy crap it was like drinking liquid horse radish, it burned so badly up in my nostrils, I couldn't even finish the bottle.

So I'm afraid I can't see the attraction myself.
I was surprised, I always thought ginger beer was just like Root Beer with a kind of ginger ale-ish flavour to it. But I bought some stuff at the grocery store and holy crap it was like drinking liquid horse radish, it burned so badly up in my nostrils, I couldn't even finish the bottle.

So I'm afraid I can't see the attraction myself.

I love that nostril burn! Works wonders on a sinus headache.
+1. I love Bundaberg ginger beer. By far the best stuff here too. The company also makes a nice sarsparilla.
Amen to that. Bundy Ginger Beer and Bundy Sars (Root Beer to the Americans) is naturally brewed rather than being flavoured carbonated water.

It is the best - hands down!
Best hot - AJ Stephan's
Best Bermuda stone style - Barritt's

P.S. There seems to be some question about Bundaberg availability from people with access to a Bevmo. At our Bevmo, they stock the Bundaberg in the back with the "bulk" sodas, not in the front with the "boutique" sodas.
Best hot - AJ Stephan's
Best Bermuda stone style - Barritt's

P.S. There seems to be some question about Bundaberg availability from people with access to a Bevmo. At our Bevmo, they stock the Bundaberg in the back with the "bulk" sodas, not in the front with the "boutique" sodas.

I checked Cost Plus and no dice! All they had was Reeds Ginger Beer (too sweet). I will check Bevmo next. The Bundaberg and AJ Stephans definitely sound like they are worth checking out. Thanks for the suggestions.
I got some of that Reed's stuff at Trader Joes. It has pineapple flavor to it that I did not like.

Barritt's in a Dark and Stormy is my current fav.
I got some of that Reed's stuff at Trader Joes. It has pineapple flavor to it that I did not like.

Barritt's in a Dark and Stormy is my current fav.

Trader Joes used to have an excellent Ginger Beer (Trader Joe's Organic Ginger Beer). Unfortunately they stopped carrying it about 4 years ago. :mad:
If all else fails, I could hook you up. :biggrin:

Thank you very much for the offer. If I cannot find the Bundaberg anywhere I may take you up on your offer just to try it.

There is a specialty grocery store in Highland Park (just north of downtown LA) that specializes in hard to find soft drinks. They supposedly have 15-20 brands of Ginger Beer alone. I may have to take a little field trip.
Hand's down, best ever.

I live 50kms from the town of Bundaberg, it is the nearest 'city' to my home. The ginger beer is outstanding but I'm surprised that anyone outside of Oz has heard of it.
Bundaberg is also home of Bundaberg Rum which IMHO is awful when compared to the likes of Coruba or Mt Gay. Then again I've never been a rum drinker.

Agreed, Bundaberg Rum is ROUGH rum. Ideal for mixing in cakes or softdrink (soda/pop). Their liquer (only available at the distillery) is nice.

My favourite Ginger Beer is a different Australian.....Saxby's. For me it trumps both Bundaberg and Cascade.
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i predict you will be a (nother) convert from Bundaberg to Saxby. Even their sugarless Ginger Beer is to be tried. Also very nice with rum or blended/deluxe scotch. (tip for the current winter)
I have just found a fantastic brand of Ginger Beer its called Crabbies and is made in Glasgow. It contains alcohol at 4.5% an makes a change from bottles of lager. If you can get it in the States I 100% recommend trying it.
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