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Favorite Fall Scents?

As September is only a day or two away and it starts changing into fall; what are everyone's favorite fall soap scents?

I need some new soaps........:biggrin1:

I have a fairly large soap/creme rotation but I have never put into practice a seasonal rotation. The concept is of interest but with so many favorites I don't know if I could stay away from some of them. :001_unsur Now that I think of it I do enjoy Proraso green tea in the summer so perhaps I have had a limited seasonal rotation. I am interested to reading what you fellows have to say about this.

Happy shaving,

Fall definitely has a range of smells associated with it to me & I like to gear my personal scents toward those associations. Anything with an "earthy" warm smell to it. For me, that includes sandalwood, musk and spice notes, along with some other smells that I am sure that I can't identify. Mama Bears seasonal soaps do a very good job of hitting the right scents for me in this regard so plus one on the post above suggesting her line-up. :thumbup1:

- Steve :001_cool:
I understand Bay Rum is considered a summer scent, but it always smells like autumn and winter to me.


To me it has a much more warming scent and feel (similar to sitting in front of an open fire)... Sandalwood is also a scent that I enjoy around this time.


Tabac for me, along with Palmolive soap/stick.
I'll also be using Creed's Original Vetiver.
I don't usually associate a scent with season - I'm as likely to use lime, for instance, in the summer as winter. But I'm with the guy who likes Speick. It smells like fall.
As the days become shorter and cooler I start to think in terms of woody, spicy scents rather than fresh and citrus scents. In the past couple of days I have replaced lime and lavender products with sandalwood and other such fragrances.
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