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Favorite Combo with MWF

I have a puck of MWF that has dried up and cracked because all the lanolin has melted away. Now when I use it it dries my face out, so I am looking for some recommendations for superlather combos with MWF so I can still salvage some use out of it.
Dumb question, but did you soak the MWF in water? If you poured water over the MWF and let it sit an hour, possibly it would become usable again.
Dumb question, but did you soak the MWF in water? If you poured water over the MWF and let it sit an hour, possibly it would become usable again.

+1. I just had the same thing, with a cracked MWF puck. I soaked it in water, poured it off, and it was as good as new again.
I have a puck of MWF that has dried up and cracked because all the lanolin has melted away. Now when I use it it dries my face out, so I am looking for some recommendations for superlather combos with MWF so I can still salvage some use out of it.

Not exactly sure what you mean by "lanolin melted away"??!! even if this soap dries, the lanolin should still be there...it's just dry. The lanolin doesn't evaporate due to being a fat (you need fairly high temperatures to evaporate it). If I misunderstood what you said, I do apologize.

As for combo, just about anything will do: Cella, GFT, TOBS, CarrieM, Al Raz, Godrej, Proraso, etc...experiment time!! I have found that there is really nothing this soap won't mix with.

The other option is to throw that puck away and use a new one...they are rather cheap :001_smile
The lanolin cannot have melted away. Toss a little water on the puck and by next morning it ought to be just fine.
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