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Favorite coat? Why?

I'm outside Texas this week in Detroit on business, and as I put my coat on today to brave the elements, I realized that I've had it for nearly 15 years and it's still one of my favorite pieces of clothing. The coat I'm talking about is the venerable LLBean Field Coat. The cotton canvas is nice and heavy, the flannel lining is warm and soft. It's been through countless hunts, walks in the woods, trips around town, athletic events, etc., etc., etc.... The coat is indestructable, as warm as I want it be depending on how I layer under it, and gets better looking with age. Every man or woman should have a favorite coat. Describe your favorite coat and post a pic. Let's see yours!!

Here is my beloved Bean coat (taken while traveling and staying in a non-descript hotel room with terrible artwork in the Detroit area...) :
I had a favorite coat but I hesitate to talk about it. I read this thread...I started to write...I stopped...I don't want you to get the wrong idea.
I had a London Fog trench coat. It was a suede like green,changed color in the light. It had a zip out liner and was waterproof and really warm.
It snowed one year and I had to carry my dog out thru the knee deep snow and clear a place for him to "do his business" and I wore that coat.
About 4 or 5 years ago I was bringing my brother home from the hospital in Spartanburg, S.C.....It was in fact a few days b/4 X-mas,it was on a
Sunday morning,it was cold and drizzley. We drove past an old closed down car lot....I saw a woman in a wheelchair covered with a piece of
cardboard.....A man was with her standing in a doorway the best he could in order to get out of the rain.I turned around and went back and gave her
my London Fog coat and him a pair of gloves. I told them it was the best coat I ever had and I knew it would keep her warm....And it was the
best coat I ever had....I wouldn't have given her any thing else.....I hope you understand, I'm not bragging or anything...It's just a story about my best coat
and why.
I had a favorite coat but I hesitate to talk about it. I read this thread...I started to write...I stopped...I don't want you to get the wrong idea.
I had a London Fog trench coat. It was a suede like green,changed color in the light. It had a zip out liner and was waterproof and really warm.
It snowed one year and I had to carry my dog out thru the knee deep snow and clear a place for him to "do his business" and I wore that coat.
About 4 or 5 years ago I was bringing my brother home from the hospital in Spartanburg, S.C.....It was in fact a few days b/4 X-mas,it was on a
Sunday morning,it was cold and drizzley. We drove past an old closed down car lot....I saw a woman in a wheelchair covered with a piece of
cardboard.....A man was with her standing in a doorway the best he could in order to get out of the rain.I turned around and went back and gave her
my London Fog coat and him a pair of gloves. I told them it was the best coat I ever had and I knew it would keep her warm....And it was the
best coat I ever had....I wouldn't have given her any thing else.....I hope you understand, I'm not bragging or anything...It's just a story about my best coat
and why.

A good man.
U.S. Navy peacoat. Got it in boot camp...best jacket ever. Those pea coats they sell for $150.00+ at your local (insert chain jip joint) don't even sorta come close.
I had one of those LL Bean field coats for years and wore it into submission. In truth, I loved the coat but found it wasn't really that warm even with the liner and when I went to replace it, instead of buying another, I bought this Filson:

They call it the Heavyweight Outfitter Jacket and that's a misnomer. It's not really a big or thick jacket, but the density of the wool is quite high and its insulating properties against cold and wind are superb. It looks like a fall jacket, but wears like a winter one. It's rugged, but the lines are clean enough that it has its own simple elegance. For those of you who haven't owned or heard of Filson, their stuff is generally made to last a generation or two and though expensive, worth it. That's been changing of late, but this jacket is made according to their traditional standards.
carhartt c55. not much to look at, but for a hundred bucks the thing was bomb proof and totally impervious to wet and cold. great utilitarian design and awesome pockets. however, i lost a bunch of weight so i can't wear it anymore without looking like a doofus. for that reason, i'm not pleased with my weight loss.
My fav jacket is my snowboarding jacket. I only wear it snowboarding but it is definitely the best jacket I have. It is mostly just a shell, but works great on its own for 30-40 degree weather. It zips up to the chin but also buttons to protect the zipper from water. The neck has a stock collor that uses magnets to stay closed, so you can undo the collar a bit if it gets too warm even with mittens on. The inside of the collar has some fleece on it, so it does not rub or chafe the neck or chin area, and is nice if your face is a bit cold you can dip your head down.

It also has little dingle hoppers in the wrist area so you can connect the string of your gloves/mittens to it so you can take them off without worrying about losing them. Kinda like a little kid.

Definitely the best jacket I have ever had.

It is similar to the one below.

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+1 on the Navy Peacoat. Get a good one and it will last forever, and can be worn with pretty much anything.
English mid length "Mac" or trench coat. Good ones come with a zip out inner lining so you can wear them in warm or cool weather, they are waterproof and the look equally as good over a suit or a jumper and jeans.
I've always loved leather blazers. Next to goose down, leather provides the most warmth for me.

Sorry, I don't have a pic but it's a dark reddish blazer. Looks like your typical single-breasted 2 button sport coat with a single vent.
I have a four button black leather jacket made by Long Fog. I've had it about nine years now. As long as I don't have on a blazer or suit coat it works with anything but sweat pants!
A 1940s German Army Officers leather coat. Warm, waterproof (after waxing), indestructible (it's older than my father).

I didn't know what it was when I bought it, but I wore it into work about 10 years ago, and one of the sales guys (who was in his 80s) went white, and asked me if I knew what I was wearing. I regularly wear it with my 1960s jackboots (didn't know what they were when I bought them either).

People think odd things about my dress sense/political sensibilities when wearing them together, but the truth is I didn't know what they were, I just wanted a 3/4 length, heavy leather coat and some motorcycle-suitable boots for not-very-much money.
I love my Carhartt coat, stands up to pretty much everything I've ever thrown at it, this is my second one because after 6 years of use and abuse the pockets and cuffs were starting to go. I've had this one for a year now and it is holding up like a champ. Best thing about it is that I have enough pockets for everything. One the inside I have a pocket for my wallet, and another for my pen and journal, on the outside I ahve two breast pockets for my work swipe pass and matches/lighter, and the last two pockets I use for holding keys, my tobacco pouch, and hands.
Current favorite coat is my REI goretex 3-1 jacket. I've had it for over 15 years and though the zipper on it is a bit wonky and it has salt stains and is grungy looking, still actually works. It keeps me warm and dry in even the worst weather. I'm saddened that I cant' find one like it anymore. Gore is not being used by manufacturers very much these days, except in very high end items IMO. I've tried a few other jackets, that certainly look nicer, that had a "in house" membrane design, and all have failed somewhat miserably. My Eddie Bauer version actually delaminating on me while snow-blowing, really nice white pieces all over teh place.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Schott's U.S. 740N Naval Peacoat in Melton Wool. Classic design, stylish, casual or somewhat formal, extremely warm, sheds water.
A sweater, topped off with a good scarf is all the layering you'll need.

Just got this beautiful Millerain oilcloth on a great sale from Land's End (normally $250, on sale for $110, I got it for $77 with their 30% off sale last week!):
Pic pilfered from here. There's a nice review available there as well.

I've had trusty, reliable jackets in the past, but nothing that looked this nice or that fit this well. Hope to get a lot of wear out of it. I went ahead and ordered another in the lighter color - hope my dad will like it! I know he's been a big fan of Land's End over the years.
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That's one damn fine coat your wearin'...I want one now lol never thought a pea coat could look good, but it dose!

When I get it soon, I'll be sporting a Russian M4 parka with hood fur collar and liner...I HATE being cold...due to a brush with frostbite long ago...I'll nab me a pea coat and prolly a new fedora some day in the future.
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