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Favorite brush for face lathering?

I'm currently using a 1016 Vulfix pure badger. I find it quite floppy and not good for face lathering thus I use a bowl. What brush is more sturdy and less floppy and is good for face lathering?
Compared to a Vulfix, anything. I use my Rooney 1/1 Super and Simpsons Ehsan for face lathering with excellent results (with the slight edge to the Rooney in my mind due to the fan shaped knot)

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
For face lathering I would recommend a brush with a 18-22 mm knot set at a loft of 42-45 (18 mm) to 52-55 (22 mm) loft. A Rooney 1/1 or a Tulip 1 or 2 would fit this.
Omega 31064 (yet another boar vote)

It has softer tips than badger and stiffer bristles. To me, the softness on the face is the most important thing...I've never used a badger that compares to the softness of a well broken in boar.

In badger, a Rooney or have a look at Shavemacs site; they will custom your brush (loft length is important here) at no extra cost.
I face lather quite successfully with a Savile Row 3824. Really soft and comfortable, but lots less floppy than my Vulfix 374.
I think the best face-lathering brush I've ever used is a recently acquired Rooney 1-1 in Finest. INSANE amount of backbone!
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