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Fatip Grande smooth shaver?

Many others are able to make the fatip works. Not me :sad:

After trying a number of times, I still get irritation. I enjoy the more aggressive R41 :)001_tt1:) more, and able to get irritation free shaves with it. Additionally, I didn't like the limited range of angles fatip permits.

I happen to have a very mild and old gillette OC which was not getting much love.
Today I had an eureka moment and decided to pair the fatip and the gillette together: top cap of gillette on fatip.

Results: effective and smooth shave with BBS for the first time!

Here is my "fallette" :001_tt2: with R41 handle:
$Fatip with gillette OC.jpg

Notice how gillette cap reduces the blade exposure
Merkur did you shave with a FaTip 3 or 4 times in a row, or switch to the R41 in between, its possible your angle and pressure (which should be zero to very very very light) was a bit off from the angle the R41 has you shave at maybe you just didnt get used to it, just a possibility as I and many others find it a very smooth shaver, but then not everyone does razors like everything else is certainly a YMMV thing

you could also try a different blade in it see if it works better for you

food for thought
My usual practice is to shave with a razor a few times in a row. Pressure wise - as per R41 - light and easy. Angle - shallow. With R41, I use shallow and slightly steep depending on areas. Maybe the R41 is intuitive (for me) and I can go shallow or steep without repercussion while getting a super clean BBS. What I find strange is that I am comfortable with R41 and enjoy it tremendously without burn or irritation. Thinking deeper, I have a nagging thought: I could be unconsciously exerting pressure while subconsciously expecting an R41 result.
ive done that before, with the fatip too, it is a smooth shaver much more then my old type so first could of times out i was adding pressure in going to feeling of my other razors, then when i caught it half way through my second shave things got better, but there is not much heptic feedback as my other razors,

Ive never been out with a R41 before so i cant really say how different the two are, but if your happy with old type on head its not much worry, if you want to really love the fatip it may be worth another shot
The fatip with gillete cap is a fun experiment. Will definitely go back to full fatip [who buys a fatip just for the lower cap? ;)] - will keep in mind about the pressure thingy.
Wait. So you put the top cap of an Old Type on the baseplate of a Fatip and attached it to the handle of the R41? Or did you use the FaTip Grande handle? I'm a little confused.

Either way, I don't understand why you would get a good shave with the FaTip baseplate and Old Type top cap anymore than you would with the FaTip baseplate and FaTip top cap. They're very similar, and, as has been mentioned, it's the baseplate of the Fatip that provides the magic.
Wait. So you put the top cap of an Old Type on the baseplate of a Fatip and attached it to the handle of the R41? Or did you use the FaTip Grande handle? I'm a little confused.

Either way, I don't understand why you would get a good shave with the FaTip baseplate and Old Type top cap anymore than you would with the FaTip baseplate and FaTip top cap. They're very similar, and, as has been mentioned, it's the baseplate of the Fatip that provides the magic.

R41 handle.

The fatip top cap is smaller, thus gives greater blade exposure. The old Gillette cap is slightly bigger, reducing the exposure.
The combination makes the shave smoother - a problem I seem to have with full fatip. Is it the flex?

PS: am mulling about putting it on BST together with my progress, merkur, old Gillette and brushes. As much as I love many of these, I keep going back to only a few...
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You're right. The amount of blade exposure with the FaTip is quite a bit more than on an Old Type. So maybe the cap of the Old Type mellowed it out a little; made the shave not quite as aggressive.
It took me more than a month to get used to the Fatip, and I have a lot of experience with the R41. Then, something clicked. Now I've teamed it up with a Weber bulldog handle and it's become a favorite.

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Ok. I hear what you guys are saying. Needs more time than I had earlier thought, even if I am proficient with the R41.
Here's hoping for that eureka moment with the fatip.
It occurs to me that if the above is correct, I could make a wicked aggressive razor by substituting the comb (base plate) of my Fatip with that from my Old Type.
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