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Fat handle Tech. Canadian vs English.

Hi guys.

Just wondering if any of you could give me a little info on the Fat handle Tech? I've wanted one for a while and have found some info but I haven't been able to find out what, if any, differences there are between the English and Canadian versions. Anyone know anything?

I do know early versions of the English fat tech have triangular holes in the head and later have rectangular ones, but that's about all I know.

Please share any info regardless of how big or small. I'm really interested to learn.

All I can say is I own 3 Canadian Fat Handles and love them they seem to be my go to razor lately,although I just picked up a few open combs I've yet to try. But I must say if you get one at a reasonable cost they are worth giving a whirl IMHO they handle fantastically!
Thanks for the link and reassuring me that the fat tech is a worth while purchase.

When I get one it will be my first real "vintage" razor. I started with the Wilkinson classic (black plastic, but a good starter razor), I then bought a Merkur Futur and worked my way up from setting 1 to 6. Depending on blade choice I find setting 4 to 6 works best for me. My last purchase was a muhle R41. I bought this 2nd hand. I wanted to try what is supposedly the most aggressive razor on the market, but I think I got the wrong one because I find it really mild (mine is the fully open comb head which through further research I think is a merkur head...?)
Anyway, all of these are modern and I want a nice vintage for my collection.

Hopefully I'll have one soon.
The Futur maxed out is my favorite razor. Your R41, to my knowledge, is a 2010 or earlier version. Those were mild. If you pick up a 2011 - you can experience the legend. You can also buy the modern version which is the tamed 2011. This is second hand information for I have only used the infamous 2011. I assure you... There is nothing mild about this razor!!

Personally, I believe a tech will be disappointing for you. If you want to try vintage, pick up a Slim or Black Beauty IMO... Or New/Old type.
All FH Techs weigh 48g, so they're fairly light in the hand.
The Canada 1932 triangular slot Tech has a blade gap of exactly 0.67mm. To give you some idea, a US Red Tip has a gap of 0.66mm & a regular Tech one of 0.56mm.
I really love using my Canada Tech. It's a fairly aggressive version of a mild razor (if that makes any sense!) and feels like a precision shaving tool when paired with a sharp blade like a Feather or Gillette 7 O'Clock black.


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Thanks for the info on blade gaps, zygalski.

Do you happen to know whether the US-made triangular slot Techs have the same gap as the Canadian ones?
Thanks for the info on blade gaps, zygalski.

Do you happen to know whether the US-made triangular slot Techs have the same gap as the Canadian ones?
I don't know, tbh. I very carefully measured the blade gap on my Tech as per instructions on this site.
My understanding is that the triangular slot Techs are all slightly more aggressive than the later rectangular ones, and that the Canada 1932 triangular is the most aggressive of all the Techs.
Just a guess, but maybe the US triangular is mid way between 0.56mm & 0.67mm.
the engish fat handled tech with the rectangle holes are the best of the bunch, real solid piece of kit and great shavers, i was using a bulldog handle on a edwin jagger head for a while, its been replaced with a rectangle tech head as an everyday shaver.
I'm pleased to report that I've just purchased one!

I had my eye on a rather clean and shiny looking 1932 Canadian Fat handle Tech on eBay and I've just won it.
I knew I wanted an early model as I'd rather have a slightly more aggressive one. I just wasn't sure if the Canadian model would be as good as an English one. Thank you all for the info, it seams that the Canadian model, being more aggressive than the English, is actually just what I was looking for.

Hopefully it will be here within a few days and I can shave with my first real vintage razor.

Thanks again.
A good purchase!
Let us know how you get on with regards to various blades. The default for most Tech users is a Feather.
I'll try a few in it then report back.
My standard blade is a Wilkinson sword, but I also like Treet platinums, and I have recently discovered and love blue birds. But a feather will be used as per recommendation.

A good purchase!
Let us know how you get on with regards to various blades. The default for most Tech users is a Feather.

Feathers just sing in my USA pre-war triangular fat handled tech. But then again, every blade I've tried in it has been at least "good".
Got my 1932 fat handle tech in the post this morning! Had to shave with it before work to test it out and I would describe the shave as probably the most comfortable shave I've had.
I used Somersets pre shave oil, GFT lime cream and as recommended a feather blade. Great combination and a really good shave.

I would strongly recommend this razor to anyone as their first de razor.

Oh and strangely enough, it turns out that it was b&b member "Oscroft" (who was the first person to reply to this thread) was actually the seller of the Tech I bought on eBay! Sorted me out with a nice mixture of blades to go with it too. Cheers mate, much appreciated.
The razor it's self is absolutely mint. Looks like its never been used, what I would call collector quality.
Thanks very much.
I have a 1932 Canadian Tech that I received from my Uncle this summer. I cleaned it up and have never used it. I should give it a try one of these days.
I have a Canadian 1932 Tech that was PIFed to me about a month or so ago. I've used it with Astra SPs and Shark SCs so far and loved the shave with both blades. I like the razor better than my EJ DE89, which hasn't seen action since I got started using the Tech. Been on the lookout for US and English Techs but they're asking way too much on the bay.
Oh and strangely enough, it turns out that it was b&b member "Oscroft" (who was the first person to reply to this thread) was actually the seller of the Tech I bought on eBay! Sorted me out with a nice mixture of blades to go with it too. Cheers mate, much appreciated.
The razor it's self is absolutely mint. Looks like its never been used, what I would call collector quality.
Thanks very much.

You're most welcome. In my view it's easily the best of the Techs, but I find I'm only using more aggressive razors these days - I'm pleased it has a good new home :thumbup1:
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