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Family Shaving

Long story short--my little brother just started wet shaving!

I can't explain to you how thrilled I was.

I know that susceptibility to cutting yourself is increased with a safety razor when careless or lack of skill is evident, in my little brother's case--the latter.

I'll admit I was too scared for him to let him use a DE/SE/Injector so I gave him a fusion.

I know he'd be less prone to cuts that way. It's just the older brother in me :001_rolle

Anyways, when he's ready, i'll have a nice set waiting for him to claim if he decides to follow in my shaving path or my older brothers (fusion/gillette gel). I'd be thrilled if he found liking in my methods, but I won't argue with him while he's so early in to his shave life.

But I didn't let him off the hook entirely.. I made him use a brush and soap :w00t:

I decided to shave with him with similar equipment so he'd have an example.

My set up:
Gillette fusion Power
Simpson Special Pure badger
Mama Bear Lavender Peppermint

My little brothers set up:
Gillette fusion gamer
Tweezerman Badger
Mama Bear Hydrogen (I was surprised he picked this out of the lot. Not that mama bears is bad but I had understood his taste to be different and that maybe he'd spoil himself with one of my higher end creams, I guess that's where he differs from my very royal class older brother :biggrin1:)

Tell me about your family shave stories! Brothers, sisters, wives, dads.. moms?!
This rocks!:thumbup:
This flares up my beard-envy so much as it's a wonderful rite of passage I wish I could have experienced and passed on.
I just think it's so sweet to imagine you both there side by side shaving with you giving him tips and him watching how you do things.
Hopefully he'll switch to a DE sooner enough too!
My son likes to sit in the bathroom and chat while I'm shaving. DE only, of course...not when I'm rocking the straight razor. He's only 8 and a half, and he's convinced he's got enough fuzz on his face to need to shave. I lather him up occasionally. :laugh:

I was off work last week, helping my brother while he's in recovery from rotator cuff surgery. He's ex-military and currently a cop, so he's typically clean-shaven, but he hadn't shaved in a week (surgery was on the shaving arm) and was looking scruffy. I offered to bring my kit and shave him, but he declined.
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