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Face lather or bowl lather?

I'm curious, what do you guys prefer? What are some advantages/disadvantages you find with either method? I'm currently a bowl lather-er, and i'm quite curious on the subject.
I like bowl lathering. Didn't care much for other methods. Just me though. Everyone has their own prefered way of lathering.
With the bowl the lather is localized i.e. all in one place. I found that with hand or face lathering, it was just too messy. Plus, I would set my brush in a bowl anyway while I'd shave. I figured since the bowl is there, might as well use it. :)
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When I first started (not that long ago) I used a bowl and up until last week hadn't tried face lathering. I read a couple of posts about it and tried it but had 2 really bad shaves. My skin felt red raw both times I face lathered. Have since shaved without face lathering and haven't had any problems. So that's a bit of a weird one. Seems my face cant cope with face lathering!

I do like the simplistic style of being able to get rid of another item, not having to clean and use another piece of gear appeals to me. Plus its one less thing to throw in the dopp kit when travelling. Yesterday and today I did a palm lather shave and seemed to work well. I think I'll stay on that path for a while and see how I like it....
You're going to get tons of differing opinions, and there have been several threads on this that I recall finding.

My 2 cents-

Bowl lathering lets you add water bit by bit until you get the consistency right. If you have enough soap and water, you get tons of lather. So it's more controlled.

Face lathering works the lather into your face more (at least it does for me), but I personally don't have as much control.

I lather on the puck of Mike's (in a tin), and then lather my face.
With face lathering I can't seem to whip it into a nice foamy lather. It's always too soapy and thick and ends up causing the blade to get caked in soap really fast, and doesn't make for a good shave. Personally, I use a scuttle. I like the feeling of a nice warm foamy lather.
I prefer face lathering, I get instant feedback on the state of the lather and it means I don't have to wash out a mug. It also works brilliantly with shave sticks.
You'll have to try both and see what works. Personally, I'm a bowl latherer. I like that my mess is relatively contained and I feel like I have more control over what my consistency is. Face latherers will probably tell you the same thing so it really does come down to personal preference! My results have never been quite as good outside of the bowl.
The only real difference is personal preference--which works better for you. You have to try both to find out. I've tried both, like both, but prefer bowl lathering. Great lather and great shaves with both.
I use both methods to be honest. Each has their advantages and neither has a setback in my opinion. Some may claim the hassle of cleaning up the bowl is a setback but really? You have to clean up anyway. Why is the bowl such a chore?

I do both depending upon what I want to do. And that is why we are here, isn't it? Because we are different from the rest who are in such a hurry that they grab the can of goo, the $8.00 apiece carts with 14 blades each and run out the door to who knows what.

Take your time and lather the way you choose. I choose both :mellow:

I prefer to bowl lather. On days I'm feeling adventurous, I throw my brush in the bowl and fill it up with ice water while I shower. The result is a nice cold lather after a hot shower. The ceramic keeps the lather cold throughout the shave.
I do both. I face lather most of the time when I travel. In the cooler weather I bowl lather at home. In the summer when it is hot down here I tend to do cold water shaves and split it about 50 - 50 with bowl and face lathering.

Both work for me and I tend to use one method for a week and then switch.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I face lather soap. The advantage is I don't have to get out my scuttle, have an excuse to use my B&B Essential brush and the lather is on my face longer before I start to shave - never a bad thing. The disadvantage: the stiff brush likes to throw lather around if I'm not careful and the last pass is cold lather. I suppose I could fire up my scuttle, but it seems silly to get the scuttle out and not just make lather in the scuttle. It also saves me 32 seconds on clean-up.

I scuttle/bowl lather creams. The advantage: I find it easier to add a couple drops of water at a time when getting to the end of the making lather process - more control. I can use my big, soft badger and enjoy those almost decadent painting strokes with Ultimate Comfort. The lather is quite warm - wonderfully so. I clean the brush and bowl together by running tap water into the bowl and swirling (this thins any left over lather and helps to eliminate sink clogs). I then pull the stopper and use the warm scuttle water for a final rinse poured over the brush. Another advantage is looking at that beautiful scuttle.

The disadvantage: I have to purchase the scuttle and it does take around 32 seconds to fill it and dry it afterwards.
After lurking on B&B for several weeks I decided that I'd like to bowl lather vs face lather. Even ordered a scuttle (not in yet). Over the last several weeks I've been trying soap samples and am not getting a thick, slick lather like I see others talk about or get. Pretty thin actually. I recently discovered that if I make lather on the sample and then face lather, I'm getting some thicker lather that doesn't dry out before I can complete one pass. It's still isn't as thick as I want but it seams I do better face lathering.
Depends on the brush I use that day. If I go B&B Essential, I typically bowl lather. If I use the Semogue 1470, I face lather. When I am trying out soap samples, I typically bowl lather because I am unfamiliar with the soap.
It's all good. I do both. Head and face lather, then hit the bowl for additional passes. I have to use a lot of products to cover all the real estate and reap the benefits of both.

Exfoliation, extra lather hang time for thoroughly hydrating the whiskers, and fully whipped, rich, and creamy bowl lather.

Smells so good you wanna eat it!
I started bowl lathering as many of the beginner shaving instructional videos I watched when I started seems to tend to that method. I started to face lather after coming on here. I find that face lather exfoliates a bit more and the brush to face time is extended which I quite like. I have also found it to be a bit quicker and in the morning that time savings can make a difference. On a small note its one less item to rinse out. I do still bowl lather on occasion, maybe if I have the time or I want to relax and take a nice long shave. However for the most part I have moved to face lather over all.

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