I am looking for any information on a great eye cream. Any opinions?
Anthony Logistics makes a decent one, but I used to date a model who swore by a tube of Preparation H, kept in the fridge. Nothing brought down the puffiness like that did. It pays to date a model......in more ways than one..Ahem..
Check out what Nancy Boy has to say about what eye creams really can and can't do.
For example:
"None, including ours, do anything for dark circles or puffiness (even though some of them claim to) because no product can...Eye creams, serums, gels, etc. are the most profitable products in any skincare line. That's because each manufacturer simply takes its moisturizers, puts them in very, very small packages and charges very, very high prices for them...The only under-eye problem that can be addressed with an over-the-counter product is fine lines and wrinkles."
It's a refreshingly honest thing to read from a company that sells skin care products.
Unbelievable honesty and just straight forward, love it! I do like their shaving cream!
I have used and like Clinique and Zirh eye creams. Zirh is a bit runnier and can make your eyes look wet for a while. Clinique, for me has the edge but is quite expensive.
Getting a good night's sleep can help with the dark circles, but only plastic surgery can really get rid of bags under the eyes. Moisturizers can help with fine lines but that's about it. I will occasionally use an eye cream, but most often just use my face moisturizer around my eyes when doing the rest of my face. The plus for an eye cream is it would be (or should be) formulated for use around the eyes, preventing any burning or discomfort that a face moisturizer might cause.