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Experiences with the following vintage blades?

Got a lot of old blades today in mostly pristine LOOKING shape. Just wondering if ppl had experiences:

Excalibur-labelled "Introduced the stainless shave to america 1939". They look pristine and sharp as hell. Marked with NYC company markings and tout AEB swedish steel.

Marlin-Has a rifle on the wrapper. Blued blade. Looks pristine. Marked high speed on the blade

A small mountain of Apollo blades. Marked made in usa. Bit open in the middle like a segal but load into a regular de stable and fine. Might be stainless. Seem sharp as hell.
There are several folks on here who have tried and enjoyed 'vintage' razor blades.

I'm not very interested, personally; razor blades tend to corrode over time (esp. if they are of the carbon steel variety) and to me the possible reward is just not worth the risk of shaving with a crappy blade.
There are several folks on here who have tried and enjoyed 'vintage' razor blades.

I'm not very interested, personally; razor blades tend to corrode over time (esp. if they are of the carbon steel variety) and to me the possible reward is just not worth the risk of shaving with a crappy blade.

I'm with franz. The only vintage blades I would try would be the stainless steel ones (Gillette Spoilers, Schick Plus Platinums, Personna 74's). I'd use those old carbon blades for decoration, because the wrappers almost always have neat artwork and graphics on them.
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