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Every Sunday is Bloody Sunday!

What can be nicer than that Sunday morning shave? You put on a little music...

Then happily lay out your black handle 1977 Super Speed and a new Astra on your bathroom sink counter. Perhaps later on, you'll fire up the Prius for a visit to the pottery barn or a farmers market?

Well, throw that garbage away and break out the Death Metal!!


Because every Sunday is Bloody Sunday!

Sunday is for your scary razors. Your dangerous ones. Whatever you've got most likely to draw blood! Weepers, nicks, and cuts! Instantaneous anemia.

Maybe it's an early model R41, before the Geneva sanctions. Or a Gillette Old Type. Or some dreadful thing with lots of gap and exposure and plenty of chatter from poor blade clamping.

Bloody Sunday is Nietzsche in the bathroom! You'll either tame and master that razor, or live the rest of life in fear!
Splendid idea! I'll join in as I remember. My mind was lost some time ago & I can't for the life of me remember where I put it. But I have a few razors that require extra concentration so I don't have to dip my face in a bowl of liquid styptic. Instead of keeping track of the number of passes, should we keep track of pints of blood lost?
Tomorrow is the day!

Take your iron supplements tonight, because you'll need it in your system tomorrow morning.

And I know what you're thinking. You'll pick a dangerous razor, but put some "Guy Lombardo and His Orchestra" razor blade in there.

That's a big negative. Go with your sharp ones. Smoothness be hanged! And chase the BBS.

I for one am glad to have joined this SBS thread. It had been quite some time since I last shaved with the Gratiot Krect spiral slant, and SBS woke me from my slumber.

The GC is an extremely cool vintage razor, I love its unique physical design. But it is also the most aggresive razor I own, one that punishes any lapse in technique. On the other hand, it can deliver a superbly close shave. Today the stars aligned for me. I was careful, attentive, used a very light touch throughout. I got a fabulous shave out of it, still doing the appreciative face rub thing. I hope it goes as well for everyone else.

pls welcome the Beast. The beautiful Beast I rather should say. The only razor in my den I still have to master without ending up with pink lather...

Entering the stage:
Timeless Bronze.78 OC.


If I load a sharp blade into this razor...
Weepers galore!

If I load a dull blade into this razor...
Weepers galore!

If I even apply pressure with this razor...


Today I did two passes, no issues on the cheeks and the neck, but I caught four smallish weepers in the soul patch area.

I'd call today's result a fair draw... 🤣


pls welcome the Beast. The beautiful Beast I rather should say. The only razor in my den I still have to master without ending up with pink lather...

Entering the stage:
Timeless Bronze.78 OC.

View attachment 1852530

If I load a sharp blade into this razor...
Weepers galore!

If I load a dull blade into this razor...
Weepers galore!

If I even apply pressure with this razor...

View attachment 1852535

Today I did two passes, no issues on the cheeks and the neck, but I caught four smallish weepers in the soul patch area.

I'd call today's result a fair draw... 🤣

Love that brush.
Late shave today.



It seems like more than one YouTube shaver charitably says the Yaqi Ultima is "not a daily driver". And the Med Prep is the sharpest I have in inventory.

Three passes and lots of cleanup. Alas, I didn't get through unscathed. One weeper on the neck and two small ones on each corner of the mouth. The Pinaud Bay Rum went on like sado-masochism. Still, a DFS.

The spirit of Bloody Sunday is to disregard that little voice that says, "Stop while you're ahead." There's always next Sunday.
I look forward to reading everyone's horror stories. I have some aggressive razors in my arsenal that I use daily. None that draw blood or slice my jugular.
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