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Ever used CLR on vintage razors?


My elbows leak
Staff member
Wondered if anyone used the CLR and Tarn-X line in conjunction to clean up old safety razors?


CLR is not a good idea. It's pretty rough stuff. Had one fella who stripped his nickel plated razors using hot CLR and they turned pink.

Tarnx works great for silver plated razors, you just have to do it in stages. 10 second soak, rinse with clear water. Repeat till the tarnish is gone.

Honestly, the best stuff I've ever used is Comet Bathroom Cleanser liquid. Soak for 20 minutes, and a light buff with a toothbrush. Polish with Blue Magic or Flitz and your like brand new.
I use a diluted solution of CLR to clean soap scum off my razors and have had fine results. I don't leave them it it too long, though.
CLR is not a good idea. It's pretty rough stuff. Had one fella who stripped his nickel plated razors using hot CLR and they turned pink.

Tarnx works great for silver plated razors, you just have to do it in stages. 10 second soak, rinse with clear water. Repeat till the tarnish is gone.

Honestly, the best stuff I've ever used is Comet Bathroom Cleanser liquid. Soak for 20 minutes, and a light buff with a toothbrush. Polish with Blue Magic or Flitz and your like brand new.

Hmm I will have to give that Comet a go then, I don't want a pink razor :eek:
I've used CLR (applied with a Q-tip) on my Merkur 1904 with no problems, but am starting to rethink that idea for the future. In any case, always rinse very well to minimize possible problems.

Scrubbing Bubbles also works reasonably well, but may need to sit/soak more than CLR will.
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