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Ever Do Business With These Folks?

As per one of my previous threads, I have been doing some searching for an online/mail-order film processor for true B&W 35mm film. One of my hits is the following:


Have any of you had any experience with them?

The price seems right, considering what they have to offer.

Let me know what you think about them, assuming that you have any experience at all.


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I've never dealt with this particular company, but you're right ... the price seems right.

A quick scan through their website looks like they charge PER ROLL, not per picture. So you pay the same price whether your roll has 20 exposures or 100.

The scan to CD and instant web-upload is a great plus ... you can check your proofs as soon as their done, without having to wait for the mailman to return your order. I'm not sure what they mean by "Easy Facebook integration" but its probably a good thing.

It was the high cost(s) of developing and printing that made me put my 35mm camera away and get a digital ... at $10 a roll, its worth digging it out and putting it to work again.
I've never used them, but that does not sound too bad. I've been trying to figure out what to do about color film anyways. I don't trust any of the local drug stores, which end up being more expensive if you want digital scan too.

Its nice that they do 110 film too. I got a Pentax Auto 110 for free, but have it sitting on the shelf for lack of film and available processing.
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