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English soaps?!


I finally tried MWF/Kent and loved it. Have been using it for a while now, and it is greaat stuff! No problems lathering it (tried soft and medium water) :) Just a richness of heavenly leather :tongue_sm

So, now I´ve gotten curious about other tallow based english soaps... I would like your opinion: Geo F. Trumpers; Dr. Harris or Taylor of Old Bond Street? (or any other thaty I don´t know of ;-)

I must say I´m wondering about Trumper´s violet or rose...

So, any sugestions?

Sorry but no tallow on Trumper, you might want to try some Italian soap like Cella. DR Harris & Art of Shaving
Continue your search for the tallowy lather and you will be rewarded with uncommonm shaves

No tallow in Trumper? It is true that I never searched, but it was like a given fact to me that it had tallow in it :confused:

So, still, is the violet worth the shot? Plus, is the Penhagillon´s English Fern worth the money?
Although they no longer have tallow, Trumper's makes very good soaps. Coconut Oil is my favorite, but the Rose is great as well. D.R. Harris soaps are also very good. Taylor soaps aren't bad, but the scents aren't that great.

Antique Hoosier

I like the Trumper Rose very much. I'm starting a nearly new puck of Mitchell's Wool Fat just now, but I will be buying another Geo. F. Trumper Rose refill in the future...maybe around Christmas? The Violet is very nice as well but I prefer the Rose.
I was lucky enough to get Trumper rose and Harris lavender soaps back before I knew the difference between tallow and veggie soaps, so I was able to evaluate their performances strictly by the results I got, rather than any preconceived notion about how they should perform based on their ingredients. Per my own tastes, I always preferred the lather I got off the Trumper to the Harris, although both are excellent and well worth searching out. I also find that T&H Luxury makes a darn fine lather, as well, and it also contains no tallow.
There's still some tallow in D.R. Harris soaps if you "need" to have tallow.

I've used Harris for many, many years and have never been disappointed evern after reformulation.

I still get great performance. They're great scents (Arlington is my favorite), easy to lather and the choice of many a veteran poster on this board.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with D.R. Harris.
Hi! I just bought some P-160 shaving soap from rasurpur (at least I thynk it is) and a speick shave stick! Will be continuing my experiments with tallow :biggrin:

How is the Trumper Violet soap? I[m curious about the scent and the performance but didn't see a review. I'm sure the performance is top shelf, so I guess the question is about the scent in particular.
How is the Trumper Violet soap? I[m curious about the scent and the performance but didn't see a review. I'm sure the performance is top shelf, so I guess the question is about the scent in particular.
I have it. I really like the scent. Floral, as you'd expect but not overpowering.
How is the Trumper Violet soap? I[m curious about the scent and the performance but didn't see a review. I'm sure the performance is top shelf, so I guess the question is about the scent in particular.

The scent of the soap is pretty muted - sort of a sweet floral. I first got it when Trumper violet cream was still punch-in-the-nose potent, and I was struck by how much less potent the soap was. Now I hear the scent of the cream has been altered and pretty much matches the soap, although I've not smelled the newer cream version to verify. My recollection is that the old cream scent actually did a decent job of simulating the real smell of violets, except it was less subtle and natural, more perfume-like. The soap doesn't smell like that, imo. Muted sweet floral is about the best description I can offer. It's not horrid, and I can imagine some people liking it, but it's nothing I get excited about. Of course, YMMV.
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