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English Leather MEM Company

$Colgne, Soap and  Aftershave Sets 6.jpg$Colgne, Soap and  Aftershave Sets 4.jpg

Anyone have an idea when these English Leather Sets were on the market? Thanks.
I seem to recall my dad getting a set like this in the early 80's, if I'm not mistaken. Of course, it could have been a few years either way and perhaps someone was regifting something from the 70's. Funny that you should post this...I was just sampling the English Leather at my local pharmacy a few hours ago. Thanks for posting this, it's a great piece of nostalgia for me.
I've never found English Leather anywhere, but have found lots of Avon decanters. It's all difficult to date. If the address on the label has a zip code, then it dates to after the early 60's. A barcode dates it much later, 80's I think.
If the company that produces or distributes it has changed hands over the years, that is a big clue.
Nice find, you have some classic stuff there. Old Spice Musk, English Leather, Tabac, all great stuff.
what was with soap-on-a-rope? i can remember my mom getting my dad an Old Spice soap like that and the joke was always "don't drop the soap" with a prison reference.
what was with soap-on-a-rope? i can remember my mom getting my dad an Old Spice soap like that and the joke was always "don't drop the soap" with a prison reference.

A person who is not agile because of age or disability would use the product to prevent having to bend over to pick up the bar of soap if it slipped out of their hand. I don't know the situation now, but in the old days, prison showers and also military showers had a row of shower heads on the wall and a group of men took showers together. I think you can figure the rest out for yourself.
I found a website that dates the Old Spice Musk set to 1975 -1979. The others are probably around the same time.
Thanks for all the comments.
A person who is not agile because of age or disability would use the product to prevent having to bend over to pick up the bar of soap if it slipped out of their hand. I don't know the situation now, but in the old days, prison showers and also military showers had a row of shower heads on the wall and a group of men took showers together. I think you can figure the rest out for yourself.

actually didnt even think about the first part being 25 its never been much of a problem but even at 10 years old i always knew what my parents meant. :tongue_sm
70s through the 90s. That cologne is one of my favorites I still wear today! Love the stuff. Only by MEM, though. Dana....not so much.
from basenotes... MEM Company was a toiletries and cosmetics company founded in 1883 in Vienna, Austria. MEM moved to the US in the late forties and became known for fragrances such as English Leather and Timberline. In 1996 the company was acquired by Renaissance Cosmetics.
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