A while back i bought one of those electric rotary shavers, it was quite good performance wise, the shave was almost as close as a wet blade one, the trouble with it was it give me a really bad burn on my skin when i used it, some reading around and it seems this is to do with the heat that the rotary blades produce, lucky for me i was able to take this shaver back and i am glad as it was quite expensive but i don't think i will be so lucky next time which is why i am here for any info, i have been looking around the shops and see you can get a foil type shaver too, i am thinking will these cause the same kinda pain to my skin as the other one did, the rotary blades also turn which don't help skin irritation also, if anyone uses one of these and can give me some info before spending money i one it would be much help, the one i am thinking of getting is the Braun Series 3 - 340s.