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Electric Rotary

A while back i bought one of those electric rotary shavers, it was quite good performance wise, the shave was almost as close as a wet blade one, the trouble with it was it give me a really bad burn on my skin when i used it, some reading around and it seems this is to do with the heat that the rotary blades produce, lucky for me i was able to take this shaver back and i am glad as it was quite expensive but i don't think i will be so lucky next time which is why i am here for any info, i have been looking around the shops and see you can get a foil type shaver too, i am thinking will these cause the same kinda pain to my skin as the other one did, the rotary blades also turn which don't help skin irritation also, if anyone uses one of these and can give me some info before spending money i one it would be much help, the one i am thinking of getting is the Braun Series 3 - 340s.
I got my Norelco 3 head shaver from Walmart when they had a sale..$38..BestBuy also had em same price...I found shaving with a fan on works to keep your razor heads cool and face as well...as far as closeness...meh..
I am in the UK so reviews from people over here would probably help me better, my other electric was a good shave it just caused me bad irritation.
I've never had an electric razor that I could tolerate ... even so, I'll be watching this thread to see what recommendations come up.

I've been looking for a good, inexpensive electric I can keep on hand in my car. There are sometimes when I need to touch up and a wet-shave is not practical, and a good electric would come in handy.

Someone earlier suggested the Braun M-60, under $20. Its powered by 2-AA batteries, and its a wet/dry foil shaver.
May I suggest that you try traditional wet shaving? There are many old Gillette razors that will give you a great shave. An adjustable is a great place to start that allows you to dial your shave from mild to very agressive with a turn of the dial from 1-9. Seeing that the 340 cost anywhere from $90-$140 this would get a NICE vintage set uup. Brush, soaps, razors, blades etc. for a LOT less. So you save money & electrcity. But if your set on electric I wish you luck.
I am one of those weird people that cannot use an electric shaver. My skin, especially in the neck area, gets extremely irritated, regardless if it's a rotary or foil. I have a fancy Norelco that I purchased a few years ago and a cheap foil one that I keep in my kit for quick field shave that I did use on a previous deployment. I prefer to wet (or dry, if no water is available or it's freezing cold outside) shave in the field, usually with a Wilkinson cartridge system.
A foil shaver may be better as you move the shaver up and down instead of in a circular motion as with a rotary, pre-shave powder sticks are great for electric shaving, its a stick of compressed talk like powder that you rub on your beard, makes the razor glide over the skin easier, it is better if your face is dry when electric shaving, difficult in hot weather for example.
I have and use a cheap norelco when I'm in a rush. +1 on the talc sticks. Remington face saver is awesome. Wash face first to get the oils off, then completely dry, apply stick and shave. A bit more prep, I know, but better than razor burn!
My father was a dedicated electric user. In fact, he gave me all of his old wet shaving gear when I started to shave--in ummm....1963. I have tried and tried electrics, having several of my dad's hand me downs, and purchasing others over the years, but they all absolutely tear up my neck. Because of that I have wet-shaved all of my life. I wish I could use an electric for the convenience and for touch ups, but my neck simply will not tolerate them.
I use a Norelco Arcitec for polishing at the end of a shave. It's meant for shaving in the shower, so I lather up and never experience any irritation or burn.
I used a 3-Head Norelco many years ago. I found that using the Lectric Shave pre-shave lotion really cut down on irritation. Replacing the blades every once in a while helped too.
Before I switched to wet shaving, I used a Norelco for over 30 years and before that a foil shaver for 10 years.

I found to keep irritation to a minimum my face had to be as dry and clean as possible. That meant shaving before a shower for one thing. There's also a bit of a break in period for both your face and the razor. New shaving heads needed breaking in also.
I had a foli shaver when a very young man and hated it. It just didnt give a good shave for me. When I was 19 I lost a finger in an accident, no probs as it was my left had. Fast forward 20 years and I had to go for surgery to the same hand as the orginal amputation was causing probs. SWMBO bought me a rotary Philips shaver as I couldnt use the left hand at all and my balance was all to ****. Again I didnt like it but tolerated it. Rotary is batter than foil IMHO but I'd rather wet shave with a DE.
I have owned and used all type of electrics over the years, and the only one that was passable was the top-of-the-line rotary Philishave (Norelco). I have never experienced the blades feeling hot except when pushing too hard. With a rechargeable the blade will slow down if you push to hard, if you are plugged you will not have that warning.
Shaving with an electric is no different than shaving with a blade in terms of skin irritation. The longer you spend on one spot or the harder you push the more damage you will cause to the skin. Showering first makes the whiskers easier to cut. Also, they work best if you move around quickly and lightly, rather than staying in one spot - think of it as progressive beard reduction. And just like wet shaving there is a trade-off between close and comfortable - you need to know when is 'close enough'
If you use them daily, a Philips model should do the trick - they have an Aquatouch series now that can be used in the shower. I found that rotaries tended to rip out the hair if the growth was 2+ days. I shave every 2 days as my beard is light in colour, so this made it kind of a chore to shave minimal growth every morning. I also had a Remington foil but it produced way too much vibration and noise to be a pleasant experience.
When I used an electric every day I always found them to be tolerable but not anything great: good enough to pass uniform inspection but I usually got my 5 o'clock shadow by lunch time and the neck irritation was always an issue.

Norelco shavers were ok, but I sometimes got a pimple when the shaver pulled a hair out. The best Braun models for me aren't made any more. (The Excel and the original AA travel shaver they made back in the mid '90's)

I tried Lectric Shave and the Powder stick products. I found the liquids to be too "oily" and the powder to be a real mess in the bathroom. Whether I used a pre-shave product or not, I always found that the best routine would be to shave before my morning shower.

If I absolutely had to use an electric again it would most likely be a Norelco. The other possibility would be to try an Eltron. I see them advertised occasionally and I've been on their website.
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Like i said, i did have a philips electric and it was very good shave wise, almost as good as a blade, it was the electric one that pumped out a cream/foam on your face when you shave with it, really liked that idea too, but it just made my neck too red and irritated so had to take it back, i have looked on youtube for reviews on the shaver i have mentioned about getting next and it seems to have good reviews with some people saying it causes no irritation, so not sure what to do now.
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