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EJ89L First Shave Disappointing

I been wet shaving for about 3 months now and have been using a Merkur 180 with either Derby or Shark blades. I've been getting pretty consistent BBS results. Saw a lot of positive reviews for the EJ89L razor and thought I would give it a try. Received the new razor last night and tried it out this morning for the first time. Since I had been using Shark blades for the last week or so I decided to try it with the Shark to keep the number of variables down.

The razor looks great, is very balanced and feels good in my hands. I wish I could say it gave me a good shave! Very disappointed in the results from today...no where near the quality of shave I have been getting with the Merkur 180/Shark/Derby combination before.

I haven't given up hope though. The razor came shipped with some Derby blades so I will try those tomorrow and see what happens.

I have a better idea now about what you guys talk about with regards to less aggressive vs more aggressive razors as it seems to me the 89L is much less aggressive than the 180. I guess I will also find out how different razor blades perfrom in different razors. Wish me luck!

Merkur 180 Long Handle
Shavemac 177 (21mm)
Face Lather
Ahava After Shave Lotion
It could be that you'll need to adjust your angle to get the best performance from the EJ. I'm using mine with the Shark Super Chromes and getting excellent results.
Try it with a Feather or a super Iridium, to me EJ is a very mild shaver but paired with the right blade and I get great results. Its the only DE that I use besides my birth month super speed.
Maybe work on the right angle a bit.

A big fan of the Muhles myself (same head as the EJ) I always have to think twice when changing from say a Fatboy to a 89.

Changing the angle usually helps to get that perfect 89 shave.
I know this is a dumb question, but what do you mean change the angle? Are you saying I need to lower the handle so the blade is at less of an angle or raise the handle up so that the blade is at a steeper angle? I am in the same boat. I got my 89l yesterday and last night put in a new Astra platinum and got horrible results!! I know I need to stick with it because everyone else seems to love it. I don't like Astra's and only used it because I don't want to say I just threw a new blade away. I think I will try a feather in it and see what happens.
+1 on working on the angle. I have the EJ aswell and the angle i need to use is much steeper than any merkur or gillette i have, but keep trying its a great shaver!
If you decide that the EJ89L isn't for you, you'll have no trouble finding a buyer in the B/S/T forum.

I have a couple of Super Iridiums. I'll give them a try after the Derbys. Thanks.

This (the EJ and Super Iridium) has been my combo for the last two of three shaves (went vintage tech with israeli personnas last night) and I find the combo to be great.

The EJ DE89L was my first DE, but I remember thinking the angle was much more aggressive than the 30 degrees in the tutorial posts. In many cases I'm holding the blade at about a 45 degree angle or so, so a more aggressive angle may help.

It has performed as well or better than my other razors--in my opinion its best feature is the weight and balance. Those old techs are light and about half way through my shave I find it hard to keep the razor as steady as I'd like.
Exact same situation here. I get great results with my Merkur Barber Pole but my EJ89 gives me terrible shaves and I can't use it as it feels like I still need to shave afterwards.
I have to raise the handle (relative to my Merkur) to get proper angle. Super Iridiums. I experienced poor results with the Derby blade. I love this razor and you will too.


Pair it will a Feather:thumbup:

I agree with Go-west, it takes me 3-4 shaves to learn a new razor; angle, grip, hand-feel etc.
I get outstanding shaves from the EJ 89, the only DE that might be slightly better is the vintage OC Gillette NEW and it is only slightly better. The EJ 89 leaves my adjustables in the dust, so much so I rarely use them.

For me it really doesn't matter what brand blade I have in the EJ 89, the shave is fantastic.

So I shaved the second time with the 89l this morning. I loaded a fresh feather in it and got the same poor results! I took your guys advice and raised the handle to increase blade angle and it felt very awkward. After a WTG and then an XTG passes I still had quite a bit of stubble left. I never do a third pass, but today I had to do ATG on my cheeks (which I hate to do) to get a close shave. I can get a better shave in two passes with my $4 fat handle tech with an Asco blade. I will continue to shave with it this week, but the way it is going it will be on the BST next Saturday!! Very frustrating to say the least.
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