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EJ razor, does they come longer than the Georgian?

I wonder if there is an EJ razor with a longer handle than the Georgian? I just managed to convince my father to try DE shaving with mine (after sterilising and putting in a new blade) and he likes it but thought the handle was a bit short. Suggestions?

If there aren't, any other brand suggestions are welcome.
not sure how long the georgian is but they do offer a chatsworth that is 4.5 inches long and nearly 4oz. of heft to it, the barley is exquisite though a bit more expensive than the smooth one.
I just compared the length of my Georgian with my Chatsworth (ebony) and my Lady Gillette. These are the longest handled razors I have. They are nearly identical in length. The Chatsworth and Lady Gillette look longer because their handles are slimmer. My Bull Mastiff XL from Cooncatbob is a couple of millimeters shorter than the Chatsworth and the Lady Gillette but is much more hefty.
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