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Ebay, Taking Buyer's Remorse to a Whole New Level

Anyone else find themselves simultaneously hoping they win and lose an auction that they just bid on? The other day I bid on something (that I really probably shouldn't have) and the whole time half of my brain was thinking "That might have been a mistake..." while the other half was like "OMGZZOOORRZZZZ I MUST HAVE IT!!!!WINWINWINWINWINWIN!!!!!". I never have to deal with that kind of stuff at Walmart.


My elbows leak
Staff member
If that didn't happen with alarming regularity, I suspect E-Bay wouldn't be the big buck business it is today!

Anyone else find themselves simultaneously hoping they win and lose an auction that they just bid on?
:lol: Every time I place a bid. I need another razor like I need another hole in my head but there's something about Super Speeds I can't resist. Won another tonight, gosh darnit. And every time I win one, I say that's the last. Fortunately I don't bid too high and lose most of the time.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
All. The. Time.

And then I get REALLY angry if I am outbid at the last second. I should be thanking the other bidder for saving me from myself. :bored:
ebay is genius with their phrasing. At 'normal' auctions, you bid for and purchase an item. Ebay calls it 'winning'....but most things I have won don't require payment.
Happens to me all the time.

I have sitting in a drawer a pristine Nikon FM camera that I will likely never use. Sure wish I'd never won that bid.

- Dave Deluxe
Almost every time I make a bid I feel this way. I started down the vintage soap AD, I stopped going on Ebay because the temptation is so great.
Did so myself, earlier this evening over that Rocket Double Ring HD. Thankfully I lost. :wink2:

Hey I was also bidding on a HD rocket... only $10 and I would have had it, oh well better I didn't. Hate those moments when I know I shouldn't be buying another razor but I just can't help it, besides I just won an auction on a 40's style rocket. SWMBO will not be happy.
I've made a few "impulse" bids, then either read the description more carefully or have seen a clearer pic when using the computer (I can surf on my phone). At those times I've had my fingers crossed until I'm outbid! :blush:
I use eBay all the time to buy and sell. It is not the medium, but, perhaps IMHO the lack of discipline that leads to most buyer's remorse. I use a bidding program called auction sentry that snipes automatically when you set it to bid- I use 5 seconds from the auction close. I set my price carefully and low and view every bid amount as if I purchased at the time and price I enter it into the program. The only real remorse, so far, is when the item is not nearly as described or presented. I have had a few of those, probably less than ten, over almost the ten years I have used eBay. A few were resolved and the others I was stuck for.

Not much is unique, so if you keep your bids in hand you should be fine. I lose ten to twelve or more auctions on eBay to those I win.

It is sort of the same with trading stocks for me. I set prices to buy and to sell based on my analysis of a firm and then sit back and watch the trades execute. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but I don't make it or take it personally.
I don't buy anything from ebay. Natchez got it right when he said "STUCK"
ebay doesn't stand behind their protection policies just a bunch of runaround emails and you will get stuck.
Better to frequent the small shops locally, keep your money in your community
and out of the hands of big buisness. Just my 2c, a word to the wise.


Does the item ever get past your point of how much you want to pay but keep bidding to make someone else pay more since your not getting it?:lol:
Hey I was also bidding on a HD rocket... only $10 and I would have had it, oh well better I didn't. Hate those moments when I know I shouldn't be buying another razor but I just can't help it, besides I just won an auction on a 40's style rocket. SWMBO will not be happy.

I know the one you're talking about! Wanted that one, but got a 40s SS instead. Wanna trade? :biggrin1:
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