Greetings to all from Montana, I just received a badger brush which I purchased on Ebay for ten bucks including shipping (from China). I am very shocked, its beautiful and is worth at least $50 bucks retail. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. Great deal, great brush. I am new to B&B really enjoy reading all of the posts and thanks for the advice I got, it has helped a lot. I'm a 69 year old dude who has used an electric razor for the last 45 years, after 3 months of Double Edge shaving (Jager razor) my lady has told me my face looks much younger and smoother. A friend just home from Scotland gifted me two tubes of Ingrams shave cream in blue label box, great stuff and price on box comes out to $2.50 US. I never knew shaving could be so much fun. Cheers, Michael in Montana